Milad azimi
Milad azimi
Khayyam Research Institute (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Dynamic modeling and vibration control of a coupled rigid-flexible high-order structural system: A comparative study
M Azimi, EF Joubaneh
Aerospace Science and Technology 102, 105875, 2020
A hybrid control scheme for attitude and vibration suppression of a flexible spacecraft using energy-based actuators switching mechanism
M Azimi, G Sharifi
Aerospace Science and Technology 82, 140-148, 2018
A hybrid scheme of synthesized sliding mode/strain rate feedback control design for flexible spacecraft attitude maneuver using time scale decomposition
M Shahravi, M Azimi
International Journal of structural Stability and dynamics 16 (02), 1450101, 2016
Robust optimal solution for a smart rigid–flexible system control during multimode operational mission via actuators in combination
M Azimi, S Moradi
Multibody System Dynamics 52 (3), 313-337, 2021
Attitude and vibration control of flexible spacecraft using singular perturbation approach
M Shahravi, M Azimi
International Scholarly Research Notices 2014 (1), 163870, 2014
Stabilization of a large flexible spacecraft using robust adaptive sliding hypersurface and finite element approach
M Azimi, M Shahravi
International Journal of Dynamics and Control 8, 644-655, 2020
A comparative study for collocated and non-collocated sensor/actuator placement in vibration control of a maneuvering flexible satellite
M Shahravi, M Azimi
Proceedings of the institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2015
The effects of radiation and particle size on the pyrolysis of biomass particles
M Bidabadi, M Azimi, A Rahbari
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2010
Nonlinear dynamic and stability analysis of an edge cracked rotating flexible structure
M Azimi, S Moradi
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 21 (07), 2150091, 2021
Modeling and vibration suppression of flexible spacecraft using higher-order sandwich panel theory
M Azimi, M Shahravi, KM Fard
International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration 22 (2), 143-151, 2017
Consideration of spillover effect in active vibration suppression of a smart composite plate using piezoelectric elements
E Eshraqi, M Shahravi, M Azimi
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 13, 2643-2656, 2016
Theoretical study of a perfectly volatile particle triple flame
M Bidabadi, G Barari, M Azimi, M Mafi
Int. J. Recent Trends Eng 1 (5), 26-29, 2009
Dynamic analysis of maneuvering flexible spacecraft appendage using higher order sandwich panel theory
M Azimi, M Shahravi, EF Joubaneh
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 13 (2), 296-313, 2016
Effects of baffles geometry on sloshing dynamics of a viscous liquid tank
M Shahravi, M Azimi
Scientific Research and Essays 7 (7), 4092-4099, 2013
A Hybrid Control Scheme for Attitude and Vibration Suppression of a Flexible Spacecraft using Energy-Based Actuators Switching
A Milad, S Ghasem
Aerospace Science and Technology 82, 140-148, 2018
Multi-Axis Attitude Control of Flexible Spacecraft Using Smart Structures and Hybrid Control Scheme
M Shahravi
Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 17 (1), 12-21, 2015
Finite element analysis of a cracked beam subjected to a moving load with piezoelectric patches
M Shahravi, M Azimi, H Ghafari, M Temsal
International Conference on Advances in Software, Control and Mechanical …, 0
Attitude and Vibration Control of a Flexible Spacecraft Using Hybrid Adaptive Super-Twisting Non-Singular Terminal Sliding Mode Control
V Shahbahrami, M Azimi, A Alikhani
Journal of Space Science and Technology, 2023
Vibration Suppression of a Rotating Flexible Structure using Super Twisting-Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Control with Uncertainty
M Azimi, V Shahbahrami, A ALIKHANI
Journal of Aerospace Mechanics 18 (167002021), 171-182, 2022
Form-Finding and Free Vibration Analysis of a Class-One Triplex Tensegrity Prism
M َAzimi, S Moradi
Space Science and Technology 16 (3), 15-26, 2023
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مقالات 1–20