Beethoven Bravo-Medina
Beethoven Bravo-Medina
Profesor del departamento de electrónica, Universidad de Guadalajara
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على red.cucei.udg.mx
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
One-frame two-dimensional deflectometry for phase retrieval by addition of orthogonal fringe patterns
JL Flores, B Bravo-Medina, JA Ferrari
Applied Optics 52 (26), 6537-6542, 2013
Error compensation in a pointing system based on Risley prisms
B Bravo-Medina, M Strojnik, G Garcia-Torales, H Torres-Ortega, ...
Applied optics 56 (8), 2209-2216, 2017
Rotationally shearing interferometer for extra-solar planet detection: preliminary results with a solar system simulator
M Strojnik, B Bravo-Medina
Optics Express 28 (20), 29553-29561, 2020
Wavefront recovery fourier-based algorithm used in a vectorial shearing interferometer
B Bravo-Medina, G Garcia-Torales, R Legarda-Saénz, JL Flores
Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXI 8867, 305-313, 2013
Rotational-shearing-interferometer response for a star-planet system without star cancellation
B Bravo-Medina, M Strojnik, A Mora-Nuñez, H Santiago-Hernández
Applied Sciences 11 (8), 3322, 2021
Ensquared energy and optical centroid efficiency in optical sensors: Part 1, Theory
M Strojnik, B Bravo-Medina, R Martin, Y Wang
Photonics 10 (3), 254, 2023
All-POF coupling ratio-imbalanced Sagnac interferometer as a refractive index sensor
H Santiago-Hernández, B Bravo-Medina, A Mora-Nuñez, JL Flores, ...
Applied Optics 60 (24), 7145-7151, 2021
Response of rotational shearing interferometer to a planetary system with two planets: simulation
M Strojnik, B Bravo-Medina
Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology VII 11057, 8-18, 2019
Shearing interferometer with adjustable optical path difference for exoplanet detection
B Bravo-Medina, G Garcia-Torales, M Strojnik, JL Flores, E de la Fuente
Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXIV 9973, 274-280, 2016
Off-axis three-mirror optical system designs: From Cooke’s triplet to remote sensing and surveying Instruments
M Strojnik, B Bravo-Medina, A Beltran-Gonzalez, Y Wang
Applied Sciences 13 (15), 8866, 2023
Extra-solar planet detection methods
M Strojnik, B Bravo-Medina
Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXVI 10765, 207-222, 2018
Simulation of Extrasolar Planet Detection with Rotationally Shearing Interferometer at 10 µm
M Strojnik, B Bravo-Medina
MDPI Proceedings, 44, 2019
Sagnac with double-sense twisted low-birefringence standard fiber as vibration sensor
H Santiago-Hernández, AB Beltrán-González, A Mora-Nuñez, ...
Sensors 22 (21), 8557, 2022
Rotationally-shearing interferometer: preliminary results with a simulator solar system
M Strojnik, B Bravo-Medina, RR Baltazar-Barron
Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXVII 11128, 280-285, 2019
Feasibility of planet detection in two-planet solar system with rotationally-shearing interferometer
B Bravo-Medina, M Strojnik, T Kranjc
Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXVII 11128, 75-86, 2019
Alignment of a Fresnel-lens-based optical concentrator for photovoltaic solar energy harvesting
AB Beltran-Gonzalez, G Garcia-Torales, M Strojnik, A Mora-Nuñez, ...
Optical Engineering 58 (9), 094111-094111, 2019
Differential shearing interferometer
B Bravo-Medina, G Garcia-Torales, M Strojnik, A Mora-Nuñez, ...
Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXV 10403, 245-253, 2017
Optimal band for extra solar planet detection: sub-millimeter spectral region
M Strojnik, B Bravo-Medina, G Garcia-Torales, MK Scholl
2017 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz …, 2017
Plastic optical fiber spectral filter based on in-line holes
A Mora-Nuñez, H Santiago-Hernández, B Bravo-Medina, ...
Photonics 11 (4), 306, 2024
Comparison of Nulling Interferometry and Rotational Shearing Interferometry for Detection of Extrasolar Planets
B Bravo-Medina, M Strojnik, E Ipus
Progress in Optomechatronic Technologies: Proceedings of International …, 2019
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20