Lili Vargha
Lili Vargha
Postdoc (Lecturer and Researcher) University of Vienna
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على univie.ac.at
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Racism and Police Stops Adapting US and British Debates to Continental Europe
J Miller, P Gounev, AL Pap, D Wagman, A Balogi, T Bezlov, B Simonovits, ...
European journal of criminology 5 (2), 161-191, 2008
Pro-elderly welfare states within child-oriented societies
RI Gál, P Vanhuysse, L Vargha
Journal of European Public Policy 25 (6), 944-958, 2018
Household production and consumption over the life cycle: National Time Transfer Accounts in 14 European countries
L Vargha, RI Gál, MO Crosby-Nagy
Demographic Research 36, 905-944, 2017
The age-profile of invisible transfers: The true size of asymmetry in inter-age reallocations
RI Gál, E Szabó, L Vargha
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 5 (1), 98-104, 2015
European National Time Transfer Accounts
L Vargha, A Šeme, RI Gál, B Hammer, J Sambt
Online database and manual available at: http://dataexplorer …, 2016
The quantity-quality tradeoff: a cross-country comparison of market and nonmarket investments per child in relation to fertility
L Vargha, G Donehower
Population and Development Review 45 (2), 321-350, 2019
Demográfiai Fogalomtár
B Kapitany, L Pakot, Levente, Rohr Adél, Szabó, T Gergely, L Vargha
The gender dimension of intergenerational transfers in Europe
B Hammer, S Spitzer, L Vargha, T Istenič
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 15, 100234, 2020
The Broken Generational Contract in Europe: Generous transfers to the elderly population, low investments in children
B Hammer, T Istenič, L Vargha
Intergenerational Justice Review 4 (1), 21-31, 2018
Is there a connection between welfare regimes and inter-age reallocation systems?
T Istenič, L Vargha, J Sambt
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 14, 100202, 2019
A társadalmi öregedés hagyományos és alternatív indikátorai
V Lili
Demográfia 58 (1), 57-78., 2015
Welfare state winners and losers in ageing societies
G Abio, M Sánchez-Romero, A Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, J Sambt, MS Juvés, ...
Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 17, 9-36, 2019
Human Capital Investment and the Sustainability of Public Transfer Systems Across Europe
B Hammer, A Prskawetz, RI Gál, L Vargha, T Istenič
Journal of Population Ageing 12 (4), 427-452, 2019
Intergenerational reallocation of resources
RI Gál, L Vargha
Demographic Portrait of Hungary, 2015
Kisebbségek és kisebbségi témák reprezentációja. Összehasonlító tartalomelemzés hat európai uniós tagállam írott sajtójában
Z Vidra, L Vargha
A. Örkény, & M. Székelyi (szerk.), Az idegen Magyarország: Bevándorlók …, 2010
Historical patterns of unpaid work in Europe:NTTA results by age and gender
A Šeme, L Vargha, T Istenič, J Sambt
Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 17, 121-140, 2019
Sustainability of Inter-Generational Public Transfers in EU-Countries: A New Indicator Based on Projections of National Transfer Accounts
B Hammer, A Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, R Gal, L Vargha, T Istenic
Time Transfers by Age and Gender in 28 Countries
L Vargha, B Binder-Hammer, G Donehower
Socius 9, 23780231231153615, 2023
Contribution of demography to economic growth from 1870 to 2100: A cross-country comparison of Austria, Spain, and Sweden using NTA/NTTA data
M Sánchez-Romero, A Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, G Abio, C Patxot, G Souto, ...
Láthatatlan transzferek: Ki adja és ki kapja a háztartási munkát?
GR Iván, S Endre, V Lili
Demográfia 60 (4), 283-298., 2017
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20