Lavinia Cicero, Psicologa Phd in Psicologia Sociale
Lavinia Cicero, Psicologa Phd in Psicologia Sociale
Dottorato di ricerca in Psicologia Sociale, già Professore di Psicologia del lavoro e Organizzazioni
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على metaintelligenze.it
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Leader group prototypicality and leadership effectiveness: The moderating role of need for cognitive closure
A Pierro, L Cicero, M Bonaiuto, D van Knippenberg, AW Kruglanski
The Leadership Quarterly 16 (4), 503-516, 2005
Leadership and uncertainty: How role ambiguity affects the relationship between leader group prototypicality and leadership effectiveness
L Cicero, A Pierro, D Van Knippenberg
British Journal of Management 21 (2), 411-421, 2010
Charismatic leadership and organizational outcomes: The mediating role of employees' work‐group identification
L Cicero, A Pierro
International Journal of Psychology 42 (5), 297-306, 2007
Leader group prototypicality and job satisfaction: The moderating role of job stress and team identification.
L Cicero, A Pierro, D van Knippenberg
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 11 (3), 165, 2007
Motivated compliance with bases of social power
A Pierro, L Cicero, BH Raven
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 38 (7), 1921-1944, 2008
What makes you a ‘hero’for nature? Socio-psychological profiling of leaders committed to nature and biodiversity protection across seven EU countries
M Scopelliti, E Molinario, F Bonaiuto, M Bonnes, L Cicero, S De Dominicis, ...
Journal of environmental planning and management 61 (5-6), 970-993, 2018
The extended Value-Belief-Norm theory predicts committed action for nature and biodiversity in Europe
F Fornara, E Molinario, M Scopelliti, M Bonnes, F Bonaiuto, L Cicero, ...
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 81, 106338, 2020
Motivations to act for the protection of nature biodiversity and the environment: A matter of “Significance”
E Molinario, AW Kruglanski, F Bonaiuto, M Bonnes, L Cicero, F Fornara, ...
Environment and Behavior 52 (10), 1133-1163, 2020
Combining internal and external motivations in multi-actor governance arrangements for biodiversity and ecosystem services
T Dedeurwaerdere, J Admiraal, A Beringer, F Bonaiuto, L Cicero, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 58, 1-10, 2016
Motivations for committed nature conservation action in Europe
JF Admiraal, RJG Van den Born, A Beringer, F Bonaiuto, L Cicero, ...
Environmental Conservation 44 (2), 148-157, 2017
Employees’ work effort as a function of leader group prototypicality: the moderating role of team identification
L Cicero, M Bonaiuto, A Pierro, D Van Knippenberg
European review of applied psychology 58 (2), 117-124, 2008
Followers’ satisfaction from working with group-prototypic leaders: Promotion focus as moderator
A Pierro, L Cicero, ET Higgins
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45 (5), 1105-1110, 2009
Leader group prototypicality and resistance to organizational change: The moderating role of need for closure and team identification
A Pierro, L Cicero, M Bonaiuto, D van Knippenberg, AW Kruglanski
TPM-Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology 14 (1), 27-40, 2007
Reputation and emotion: How the mind drives our food preferences and choices
UG Cancellieri, I Petruccelli, L Cicero, A Milani, F Bonaiuto, M Bonaiuto
Food Quality and Preference 101, 104637, 2022
Leader group prototypicality and leadership effectiveness: The moderating role of role ambiguity
L Cicero, A Pierro, D van Knippenberg
British Journal of Management 21, 411-421, 2010
Can Food Safety Practices and Knowledge of Raw Fish Promote Perception of Infection Risk and Safe Consumption Behavior Intentions Related to the Zoonotic Parasite Anisakis?
U Ganucci Cancellieri, G Amicone, L Cicero, A Milani, O Mosca, ...
Sustainability 15 (9), 7383, 2023
La leadership nella prospettiva della teoria dell'identità sociale: un contributo empirico.
L Cicero, M Bonaiuto, A Pierro, V Knippenberg
Potere e leadership. teorie, Metodi e Applicazioni, 181-199, 2004
Italian Validation and Psychometric Properties of the New Work Values Scale
Cicero, Lavinia, Catania, Carlotta, Russo, Adriano, Zammitti, Andrea, Russo ...
European Journal of Investigation on Health Psychology and Education 15 (3), 28, 2025
L’interazione mediata dai nuovi media: riscrivere i legami fra le persone con il linguaggio della psicologia sociale
E De Gregorio, L Cicero
Quaderni di comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella società 5.0, 75-80, 2022
A field experience of the application of “MetaEmotions at School” method in lower secondary school.
L Cicero, L Di Domenico, C La Rizza, E De Gregorio
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20