Tjipto Sujitno
Tjipto Sujitno
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Pengamatan Struktur Mikro pada Korosi antar Butir dari Material Baja Tahan Karat Austenitik setelah Mengalami Proses Pemanasan
A Budianto, K Purwantini, BAT Sujitno
Jurnal Forum Nuklir 3 (2), 107-130, 2009
Assessment of fatigue and corrosion fatigue behaviours of the nitrogen ion implanted CpTi
N Ali, MA Fulazzaky, MS Mustapa, MI Ghazali, M Ridha, T Sujitno
International Journal of Fatigue 61, 184-190, 2014
Comparison of commercially pure titanium surface hardness improvement by plasma nitrocarburizing and ion implantation
AS Darmawan, WA Siswanto, T Sujitno
Advanced Materials Research 789, 347-351, 2013
Fatigue life prediction of commercially pure titanium after nitrogen ion implantation
N Ali, MS Mustapa, MI Ghazali, T Sujitno, M Ridha
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 7, 1005, 2013
Hardness optimization based on nitriding time and gas pressure in the plasma nitriding of aluminium alloys
T Tjahjono, TWB Riyadi, BW Febriantoko, M Margono, S Suprapto, ...
Materials Science Forum 961, 112-117, 2019
The influence of TiN-sputtering on hardness and corrosion rate of AISI 304 for biomaterials application
BH Priyambodo, V Malau, PT Iswanto, T Sujitno
J. Corros. Sci. Eng. 20, 2017
The Influence of Plasma Nitrocarburizing Process Temperature to Commercially Pure Titanium Surface Hardness
AS Darmawan, WA Siswanto, T Sujitno
Applied Mechanics and Materials 315, 700-704, 2013
Aplikasi Plasma dan Teknologi Sputtering untuk Surface Treatment
T Sujitno
PTAPB BATAN, Yogyakarta, 2003
Predicting Surface Hardness of Commercially Pure Titanium under Ion Implantation Process
AS Darmawan, WA Siswanto, BW Febriantoko, A Hamid, T Sujitno
Materials Science Forum 961, 97-106, 2019
Effect of diamond-like carbon thin film on the fatigue strength of AISI 4340 steel
T Sujitno, E Mulyani, WA Suprapto, D Suharlan, V Malau
Adv. Mater. 8 (1), 21-26, 2019
The formation of diamond like carbon on carbon steel using plasma of argon-liquified petrolium gas mixing
S Suprapto, T Sujitno, W Andriyanti, B Pribadi
AIP Conference Proceedings 2014 (1), 2018
Increased hardness, corrosion resistant and corrosion fatigue cracking performance on AISI 304 by DC sputtering
V Malau, BH Priyambodo, PT Iswanto, T Sujitno, S Suprapto
Int. Rev. Mech. Eng. 12 (12), 975-980, 2018
Pengaruh nitridasi plasma terhadap kekerasan aisi 304 dan baja karbon rendah
S Suprapto, S Sudjatmoko, T Sujitno
Ganendra: Majalah IPTEK Nuklir 13 (2), 62078, 2010
Analisa Struktur Kristal Lapisan Tipis Aluminium Pada Substrat Kaca Menggunakan XRD
L Susita, T Sujitno
Pusat Teknologi Akselerator Dan Proses Bahan 10, 133-138, 2008
Effect of Nanocrystalline and Ti Implantation on the Oxidation Behaviour of Fe80Cr20 Alloy and Commercial Ferritic Steel
D Sebayang, DS Khaerudini, H Saryanto, MA Othman, T Sujitno, P Untoro
Key Engineering Materials 474, 2134-2139, 2011
Optimasi parameter proses sputtering pada deposisi lapis tipis titanium nitrida (TiN) pada bahan aluminium
T Sujitno, A Santoso, S Wiryoadi, B Siswanto, L Susita
Prosiding Pertemuan dan Presentasi. Penelitian Dasar IImu Pengetahuan dan …, 2002
Analysis of nitrogen ion implantation on the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy 7075
S Hapsari, T Sujitno, H Ahmadi, RA Aziz
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1436 (1), 012075, 2020
Effect of post treatment in argon environment of plasma nitrided local disc brake
S Suprapto, I Aziz, W Andriyanti, B Pribadi, E Mulyani
Advanced in Materials 8 (1), 27-32, 2019
Wear and Corrosion Resistance of Aluminium Nitride Produced by DC Glow Discharge
TWB Riyadi, T Tjahjono, T Sujitno
Advanced Science Letters 24 (12), 9046-9048, 2018
Effect of diamond-like carbon coating on corrosion rate of machinery steel HQ 805
WS Slat, V Malau, PT Iswanto, T Sujitno, S Suprapto
AIP Conference Proceedings 1945 (1), 2018
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20