Emilio José Márquez Navarro
Emilio José Márquez Navarro
Full Professor of Condensed-Matter Physics, IMEYMAT, Cadiz University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Calculation of the thickness and optical constants of amorphous arsenic sulphide films from their transmission spectra
E Márquez, J Ramirez-Malo, P Villares, R Jimenez-Garay, PJS Ewen, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 25 (3), 535-541, 1992
Optical characterization of wedge-shaped thin films of amorphous arsenic trisulphide based only on their shrunk transmission spectra
E Marquez, JB Ramirez-Malo, P Villares, R Jimenez-Garay, R Swanepoel
Thin Solid Films 254 (1-2), 83-91, 1995
Optical properties of thermally evaporated amorphous As40 S60−x Sex films
JM Gonzalez-Leal, R Prieto-Alcon, JA Angel, E Marquez
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 315 (1-2), 134-143, 2003
Optical-constant calculation of non-uniform thickness thin films of the Ge10 As15 Se75 chalcogenide glassy alloy in the sub-band-gap region (0.1-1.8 eV)
E Marquez, AM Bernal-Oliva, JM Gonzalez-Leal, R Prieto-Alcon, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 60 (3), 231-239, 1999
Influence of substrate absorption on the optical and geometrical characterization of thin dielectric films
JM González-Leal, R Prieto-Alcón, JA Angel, DA Minkov, E Márquez
Applied optics 41 (34), 7300-7308, 2002
Controlling the optical constants of thermally-evaporated Ge10 Sb30 S60 chalcogenide glass films by photodoping with silver
E Marquez, T Wagner, JM Gonzalez-Leal, AM Bernal-Oliva, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 274 (1-3), 62-68, 2000
On the optical constants of amorphous Gex Se(1−x) thin films of non-uniform thickness prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition
E Marquez, P Nagels, JM González-Leal, AM Bernal-Oliva, E Sleeckx, ...
Vacuum 52 (1-2), 55-60, 1999
Optical properties of amorphous (As0.33 S0.67) 100−x Tex (x= 0, 1, 5 and 10) chalcogenide thin films, photodoped step-by-step with silver
E Márquez, JM González-Leal, AM Bernal-Oliva, R Jiménez-Garay, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (2-9), 503-508, 2008
Refractive-index dispersion and the optical-absorption edge of wedge-shaped thin films of Cux As50 Se50-x metal-chalcogenide glasses
E Márquez, JM González-Leal, R Jiménez-Garay, SR Lukic, DM Petrovic
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 30 (4), 690-702, 1997
Optical properties of thin-film ternary Ge10 As15 Se75 chalcogenide glasses
JM Gonzalez-Leal, A Ledesma, AM Bernal-Oliva, R Prieto-Alcon, ...
Materials Letters 39 (4), 232-239, 1999
Method for determining the optical constants of thin dielectric films with variable thickness using only their shrunk reflection spectra
JJ Ruíz-Pérez, JM González-Leal, DA Minkov, E Márquez
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 34 (16), 2489-2496, 2001
Derivation of the optical constants of thermally-evaporated uniform films of binary chalcogenide glasses using only their reflection spectra
JM Gonzalez-Leal, E Marquez, AM Bernal-Oliva, JJ Ruiz-Perez, ...
Thin Solid Films 317 (1-2), 223-227, 1998
Optical properties of amorphous Se films prepared by PECVD
P Nagels, E Sleeckx, R Callaerts, E Marquez, JM González, ...
Solid state communications 102 (7), 539-543, 1997
Determination of the refractive index and optical absorption coefficient of vapor‐deposited amorphous As-S films from transmittance measurements
JB Ramírez‐Malo, E Marquez, P Villares, R Jiménez‐Garay
Physica Status Solidi (a) 133 (2), 499-507, 1992
On the optical properties of wedge-shaped thin films of Ag-photodoped As30 S70 glass
E Márquez, JB Ramirez-Malo, J Fernández-Peña, R Jiménez-Garay, ...
Optical Materials 2 (3), 143-150, 1993
On the irreversible photo-bleaching phenomenon in obliquely-evaporated GeS2 glass films
E Marquez, AM Bernal-Oliva, JM Gonzalez-Leal, R Prieto-Alcon, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 222, 250-257, 1997
Optical characterization of As2 S3 and As2 Se3 semiconducting glass films of non-uniform thickness from transmission measurements
JB Ramirez-Malo, E Marquez, C Corrales, P Villares, R Jimenez-Garay
Materials Science and Engineering: B 25 (1), 53-59, 1994
Optical properties and structure of amorphous (As0.33 S0.67) 100−x Tex and Gex Sb40−x S60 chalcogenide semiconducting alloy films deposited by vacuum thermal evaporation
E Marquez, AM Bernal-Oliva, JM Gonzalez-Leal, R Prieto-Alcon, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 39 (9), 1793-1799, 2006
Optical characterization of thermally evaporated thin films of As40 S40 Se20 chalcogenide glass by reflectance measurements
E Marquez, JM González-Leal, R Prieto-Alcón, M Vlcek, A Stronski, ...
Applied Physics A – Materials Science and Processing 67 (3), 371-378, 1998
Preparation and optical dispersion and absorption of Ag-photodoped Gex Sb40−x S60 (x= 10, 20 and 30) chalcogenide glass thin films
E Marquez, JM Gonzalez-Leal, AM Bernal-Oliva, T Wagner, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (17), 5351-5357, 2007
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مقالات 1–20