María José Bastante Ceca (ORCID:0000-0001-5557-1335)
María José Bastante Ceca (ORCID:0000-0001-5557-1335)
Centro de Investigación en Dirección de Proyectos, Innovación y Sostenibilidad (PRINS). UPV.
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Evaluación ergonómica de puestos de trabajo
S Asensio Cuesta, MJ Bastante Ceca, JA Diego Más
Ediciones Paraninfo, SA, 2012
SC Rizo, TG Navarro
Alfaomega, 2004
Green public procurement as an initiative for sustainable consumption. An exploratory study of Spanish public universities
B Pacheco-Blanco, MJ Bastante-Ceca
Journal of cleaner production 133, 648-656, 2016
Traceability of intra-and interpersonal skills: From education to labor market
A Cerezo-Narváez, MJB Ceca, JLY Blanco
Human capital and competences in project management, 2017
Transport of Spanish fruit and vegetables in cardboard boxes: A carbon footprint analysis
VG Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, R Viñoles-Cebolla, MJ Bastante-Ceca, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 244, 118784, 2020
Green public procurement at a regional level. Case study: The Valencia region of Spain
JL Fuentes-Bargues, PS Ferrer-Gisbert, MC González-Cruz, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (16), 2936, 2019
An integrated method to calculate an automobile's emissions throughout its life cycle
R Viñoles-Cebolla, MJ Bastante-Ceca, SF Capuz-Rizo
Energy 83, 125-136, 2015
Ecodesign function and form–classification of ecodesign tools according to their functional aspects
TG Navarro, SC Rizo, MJB Ceca, DC Ruiz
DS 35: Proceedings ICED 05, the 15th International Conference on Engineering …, 2005
Carbon footprint comparative analysis of cardboard and plastic containers used for the international transport of Spanish Tomatoes
VG Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, R Viñoles-Cebolla, MJ Bastante-Ceca, ...
Sustainability 13 (5), 2552, 2021
Analysis of the situation of social public procurement of works at the valencian region (Spain)
JL Fuentes-Bargues, MJ Bastante-Ceca, PS Ferrer-Gisbert, ...
Sustainability 13 (1), 175, 2020
Propuesta metodológica para la cuantificación de la ecoeficiencia de los productos industriales a partir de la evaluación del valor funcional y de los impactos económico y …
MJB Ceca
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain), 2006
Determination of the Insulation Solution that Leads to Lower CO2 Emissions during the Construction Phase of a Building
MJ Bastante-Ceca, A Cerezo-Narváez, JM Piñero-Vilela, ...
Energies 12 (12), 2400, 2019
Ecodesign function and form: Classification of ecodesign tools according to their functional aspects
T Gómez Navarro, S Capuz Rizo, MJ Bastante Ceca, D Collado-Ruiz
International Conference on Engineering Design-ICED 5, 2005
Mercadeo verde, ecoetiquetado y compra responsable
MJB Ceca, SC Rizo, RV Cebolla, BP Blanco
ANALES de la Universidad Metropolitana 11 (2), 15-35, 2011
Sustainability Assessment at the 21st century
T Ekvall
chapter on Attributional and Consequential Life Cycle Assessment, 2019
Study of major-accident risk assessment techniques in the environmental impact assessment process
JL Fuentes-Bargues, MJ Bastante-Ceca, PS Ferrer-Gisbert, ...
Sustainability 12 (14), 5770, 2020
Análisis del ciclo de vida de calzado de señora
B Pacheco-Blanco, MJ Bastante-Ceca, A Nazer-Varela, E Salazar-Ruiz, ...
Economic and environmental assessment on implementing solar renewable energy systems in spanish residential homes
A Cerezo-Narváez, MJ Bastante-Ceca, JM Piñero-Vilela
Energies 14 (14), 4183, 2021
La huella de carbono y su utilización en las instituciones universitarias
MV Mondéjar-Navarro, R Viñoles-Cebolla, MJ Bastante-Ceca, ...
Análisis del impacto medioambiental de un automóvil a lo largo de su ciclo de vida
RV Cebolla, MJB Ceca, RL García, JLV Bono, SC Rizo
Dyna 79 (1), 6-10, 2004
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20