Evaluación ergonómica de puestos de trabajo S Asensio Cuesta, MJ Bastante Ceca, JA Diego Más Ediciones Paraninfo, SA, 2012 | 330 | 2012 |
Ecodiseño SC Rizo, TG Navarro Alfaomega, 2004 | 186 | 2004 |
Green public procurement as an initiative for sustainable consumption. An exploratory study of Spanish public universities B Pacheco-Blanco, MJ Bastante-Ceca Journal of cleaner production 133, 648-656, 2016 | 178 | 2016 |
Traceability of intra-and interpersonal skills: From education to labor market A Cerezo-Narváez, MJB Ceca, JLY Blanco Human capital and competences in project management, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Transport of Spanish fruit and vegetables in cardboard boxes: A carbon footprint analysis VG Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, R Viñoles-Cebolla, MJ Bastante-Ceca, ... Journal of Cleaner Production 244, 118784, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Green public procurement at a regional level. Case study: The Valencia region of Spain JL Fuentes-Bargues, PS Ferrer-Gisbert, MC González-Cruz, ... International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (16), 2936, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
An integrated method to calculate an automobile's emissions throughout its life cycle R Viñoles-Cebolla, MJ Bastante-Ceca, SF Capuz-Rizo Energy 83, 125-136, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
Ecodesign function and form–classification of ecodesign tools according to their functional aspects TG Navarro, SC Rizo, MJB Ceca, DC Ruiz DS 35: Proceedings ICED 05, the 15th International Conference on Engineering …, 2005 | 26 | 2005 |
Carbon footprint comparative analysis of cardboard and plastic containers used for the international transport of Spanish Tomatoes VG Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, R Viñoles-Cebolla, MJ Bastante-Ceca, ... Sustainability 13 (5), 2552, 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
Analysis of the situation of social public procurement of works at the valencian region (Spain) JL Fuentes-Bargues, MJ Bastante-Ceca, PS Ferrer-Gisbert, ... Sustainability 13 (1), 175, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
Propuesta metodológica para la cuantificación de la ecoeficiencia de los productos industriales a partir de la evaluación del valor funcional y de los impactos económico y … MJB Ceca Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain), 2006 | 17 | 2006 |
Determination of the Insulation Solution that Leads to Lower CO2 Emissions during the Construction Phase of a Building MJ Bastante-Ceca, A Cerezo-Narváez, JM Piñero-Vilela, ... Energies 12 (12), 2400, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Ecodesign function and form: Classification of ecodesign tools according to their functional aspects T Gómez Navarro, S Capuz Rizo, MJ Bastante Ceca, D Collado-Ruiz International Conference on Engineering Design-ICED 5, 2005 | 12 | 2005 |
Mercadeo verde, ecoetiquetado y compra responsable MJB Ceca, SC Rizo, RV Cebolla, BP Blanco ANALES de la Universidad Metropolitana 11 (2), 15-35, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Sustainability Assessment at the 21st century T Ekvall chapter on Attributional and Consequential Life Cycle Assessment, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Study of major-accident risk assessment techniques in the environmental impact assessment process JL Fuentes-Bargues, MJ Bastante-Ceca, PS Ferrer-Gisbert, ... Sustainability 12 (14), 5770, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Análisis del ciclo de vida de calzado de señora B Pacheco-Blanco, MJ Bastante-Ceca, A Nazer-Varela, E Salazar-Ruiz, ... | 9 | 2010 |
Economic and environmental assessment on implementing solar renewable energy systems in spanish residential homes A Cerezo-Narváez, MJ Bastante-Ceca, JM Piñero-Vilela Energies 14 (14), 4183, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
La huella de carbono y su utilización en las instituciones universitarias MV Mondéjar-Navarro, R Viñoles-Cebolla, MJ Bastante-Ceca, ... | 8 | 2011 |
Análisis del impacto medioambiental de un automóvil a lo largo de su ciclo de vida RV Cebolla, MJB Ceca, RL García, JLV Bono, SC Rizo Dyna 79 (1), 6-10, 2004 | 7 | 2004 |