Dongning Guo (郭东宁)
Dongning Guo (郭东宁)
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northwestern University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على northwestern.edu - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
In-band full-duplex wireless: Challenges and opportunities
A Sabharwal, P Schniter, D Guo, DW Bliss, S Rangarajan, R Wichman
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 32 (9), 1637-1652, 2014
Mutual information and minimum mean-square error in Gaussian channels
D Guo, S Shamai, S Verdú
IEEE transactions on information theory 51 (4), 1261-1282, 2005
Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for dynamic power allocation in wireless networks
YS Nasir, D Guo
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 37 (10), 2239-2250, 2019
Randomly spread CDMA: Asymptotics via statistical physics
D Guo, S Verdú
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51 (6), 1983-2010, 2005
Estimation in Gaussian noise: Properties of the minimum mean-square error
D Guo, Y Wu, SS Shitz, S Verdú
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (4), 2371-2385, 2011
Rethinking information theory for mobile ad hoc networks
J Andrews, S Shakkottai, R Heath, N Jindal, M Haenggi, R Berry, D Guo, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 46 (12), 94-101, 2008
Scheduling for cellular federated edge learning with importance and channel awareness
J Ren, Y He, D Wen, G Yu, K Huang, D Guo
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (11), 7690-7703, 2020
Tracking angles of departure and arrival in a mobile millimeter wave channel
C Zhang, D Guo, P Fan
2016 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 1-6, 2016
Multiuser detection of sparsely spread CDMA
D Guo, CC Wang
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 26 (3), 421-431, 2008
A matrix-algebraic approach to linear parallel interference cancellation in CDMA
D Guo, LK Rasmussen, S Sun, TJ Lim
IEEE Transactions on Communications 48 (1), 152-161, 2000
Capacity of Gaussian many-access channels
X Chen, TY Chen, D Guo
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63 (6), 3516-3539, 2017
Spatial interference cancellation for multiantenna mobile ad hoc networks
K Huang, JG Andrews, D Guo, RW Heath, RA Berry
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58 (3), 1660-1676, 2012
Vector precoding for wireless MIMO systems and its replica analysis
RR Muller, D Guo, AL Moustakas
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26 (3), 530-540, 2008
Linear parallel interference cancellation in long-code CDMA multiuser detection
D Guo, LK Rasmussen, TJ Lim
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 17 (12), 2074-2081, 1999
A simple proof of the entropy-power inequality
S Verdú, D Guo
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52 (5), 2165-2166, 2006
Asymptotic normality of linear multiuser receiver outputs
D Guo, S Verdú, LK Rasmussen
IEEE transactions on information theory 48 (12), 3080-3095, 2002
Energy-efficient cell activation, user association, and spectrum allocation in heterogeneous networks
B Zhuang, D Guo, ML Honig
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (4), 823-831, 2016
A single-letter characterization of optimal noisy compressed sensing
D Guo, D Baron, S Shamai
2009 47th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2009
Neighbor discovery for wireless networks via compressed sensing
L Zhang, J Luo, D Guo
Performance Evaluation 70 (7-8), 457-471, 2013
Neighbor discovery in wireless ad hoc networks based on group testing
J Luo, D Guo
2008 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2008
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مقالات 1–20