ErgoTek, Inc.
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Shoulder posture and localized muscle fatigue and discomfort
SF Wiker, DB Chaffin, GD Langolf
Ergonomics 32 (2), 211-237, 1989
Development of tactile mice for blind access to computers: importance of stimulation locus, object size, and vibrotactile display resolution
SF Wiker, G Vanderheiden, S Lee, S Arndt
Proceedings of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting 35 (10), 708-712, 1991
Back injury in municipal workers: a case-control study.
AH Myers, SP Baker, G Li, GS Smith, S Wiker, KY Liang, JV Johnson
American journal of public health 89 (7), 1036-1041, 1999
Susceptibility to seasickness: influence of hull design and steaming direction.
SF Wiker, RS Kennedy, ME McCauley, RL Pepper
Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 50 (10), 1046-1051, 1979
Arm posture and human movement capability
SF Wiker, GD Langolf, DB Chaffin
Human Factors 31 (4), 421-441, 1989
Shoulder postural fatigue and discomfort: A preliminary finding of no relationship with isometric strength capability in a light-weight manual assembly task
SF Wiker, DB Chaffin, GD Langolf
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 5 (2), 133-146, 1990
Teleoperator comfort and psychometric stability: Criteria for limiting master-controller forces of operation and feedback during telemanipulation
SF Wiker, E Hershkowitz, J Zik
JPL, California Inst. of Tech., Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space …, 1989
An ergonomic characterization of work in concrete form construction
P Spielholz, SF Wiker, B Silverstein
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 59 (9), 629-635, 1998
Teletouch Display Development: Phase 1 Report
SF Wiker
Naval Ocean Systems Center, Technical Report 1230, 1988
Reliability, validity and application of an improved scale for assessment of motion sickness severity
SF Wiker, RS Kennedy, ME McCauley, RL Pepper
Evaluation of psychometric estimates of vibratory hand-tool grip and push forces
TW McDowell, SF Wiker, RG Dong, DE Welcome, AW Schopper
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 36 (2), 119-128, 2006
Performance evaluation tests for environmental research (PETER): Collected papers
RS Kennedy, AC Bittner Jr, RC Carter, M Krause, MM Harbeson, ...
Naval Biodynamics Laboratory, 1981
Effect of distractors, age, and level of education upon psychomotor task learning
DJ Schwerha, SF Wiker, M Jaraiedi
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 37 (9-10), 801-809, 2007
A vessel class comparison of physiological, affective state and psychomotor performance changes in men at sea
SF Wiker, RL Pepper, ME McCauley
Auditory and visual distractor decrement in older worker manual assembly task learning: Impact of spatial reasoning, field independence, and level of education
SF Wiker, DJ Schwerha, M Jaraiedi
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 19 (4 …, 2009
Effects of vibration on grip and push force-recall performance
TW McDowell, SF Wiker, RG Dong, DE Welcome
International journal of industrial ergonomics 37 (3), 257-266, 2007
Effects of relative hand location upon movement time and fatigue
SF Wiker
University of Michigan, 1986
Performance evaluation tests for environmental research (PETER): code substitution test
RL Pepper, RS Kennedy, AC Bittner Jr, SF Wiker, MM Harbeson
Perceptual and motor skills 61 (3), 735-745, 1985
Development of remote presence technology for teleoperator systems
JD Hightower
14th Meeting of the United States-Japan Natural Resources Committee (1986), 1986
NIOSH work practices guide or manual lifting: Significance of posturally-based differences in perceived stress in lifting tasks of equivalent merit
SF Wiker, M Stultz
Advances in industrial ergonomics and safety IV, 607-614, 1992
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