Massimo Camplani
Massimo Camplani
Amazon Prime Video
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Bridging e-Health and the Internet of Things: The SPHERE Project
N Zhu, T Diethe, M Camplani, L Tao, A Burrows, N Twomey, D Kaleshi, ...
Intelligent Systems, IEEE 30 (4), 39-46, 2015
Efficient spatio-temporal hole filling strategy for kinect depth maps
M Camplani, L Salgado
IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 82900E-82900E-10, 2012
RGB-D Cameras for Background-Foreground Segmentation
M Camplani, L Salgado
Background Modeling and Foreground Detection for Video Surveillance, 2014
Background foreground segmentation with RGB-D Kinect data: an efficient combination of classifiers
M Camplani, L Salgado
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 25 (1), 122-136, 2014
Depth-color fusion strategy for 3-D scene modeling with Kinect
M Camplani, T Mantecón, L Salgado
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 43 (6), 1560-1571, 2013
A Multi-modal Sensor Infrastructure for Healthcare in a Residential Environment
P Woznowski, X Fafoutis, T Song, S Hannuna, M Camplani, L Tao, ...
Real-time RGB-D Tracking with Depth Scaling Kernelised Correlation Filters and Occlusion Handling
M Camplani, S Hannuna, M Mirmehdi, D Damen, A Paiement, L Tao, ...
British Machine Vision, 2015
Online quality assessment of human movement from skeleton data
A Paiement, L Tao, S Hannuna, M Camplani, D Damen, M Mirmehdi, ...
British Machine Vision 2014 27 (1), 153-166, 2014
SPHERE: A sensor platform for healthcare in a residential environment
P Woznowski, A Burrows, T Diethe, X Fafoutis, J Hall, S Hannuna, ...
Designing, Developing, and Facilitating Smart Cities: Urban Design to IoT …, 2017
The SPHERE Challenge: Activity Recognition with Multimodal Sensor Data
N Twomey, T Diethe, M Kull, H Song, M Camplani, S Hannuna, X Fafoutis, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.00797, 2016
Image-based on-road vehicle detection using cost-effective Histograms of Oriented Gradients
J Arróspide, L Salgado, M Camplani
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 24 (7), 1182-1190, 2013
A comparative study of pose representation and dynamics modelling for online motion quality assessment
L Tao, A Paiement, D Damen, M Mirmehdi, S Hannuna, M Camplani, ...
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 148, 136-152, 2016
DS-KCF: a real-time tracker for RGB-D data
S Hannuna, M Camplani, J Hall, M Mirmehdi, D Damen, T Burghardt, ...
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 16, 1439-1458, 2019
Multiple human tracking in RGB‐depth data: a survey
M Camplani, A Paiement, M Mirmehdi, D Damen, S Hannuna, ...
IET computer vision 11 (4), 265-285, 2017
A benchmarking framework for background subtraction in RGBD videos
M Camplani, L Maddalena, G Moyá Alcover, A Petrosino, L Salgado
New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2017: ICIAP International …, 2017
Adaptive spatio-temporal filter for low-cost camera depth maps
M Camplani, L Salgado
IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Signal Processing Applications], ESPA 2012, 2012
Toward Respiratory Assessment Using Depth Measurements from a Time-of-Flight Sensor
C Sharp, V Soleimani, S Hannuna, M Camplani, D Damen, J Viner, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 8, 65, 2017
Remote, depth-based lung function assessment
V Soleimani, M Mirmehdi, D Damen, J Dodd, S Hannuna, C Sharp, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (8), 1943-1958, 2016
A Comparative Home Activity Monitoring Study using Visual and Inertial Sensors
L Tao, T Burghardt, S Hannuna, M Camplani, A Paiement, D Damen, ...
IEEE HealthCom, 2015
Depth-based whole body photoplethysmography in remote pulmonary function testing
V Soleimani, M Mirmehdi, D Damen, M Camplani, S Hannuna, C Sharp, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 65 (6), 1421-1431, 2017
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مقالات 1–20