Odalric-Ambrym Maillard
Odalric-Ambrym Maillard
Inria Lille - Nord Europe
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Kullback-Leibler upper confidence bounds for optimal sequential allocation
O Cappé, A Garivier, OA Maillard, R Munos, G Stoltz
The Annals of Statistics, 1516-1541, 2013
Concentration inequalities for sampling without replacement
R Bardenet, OA Maillard
CATS, a low pressure multiwire proportionnal chamber for secondary beam tracking at GANIL
S Ottini-Hustache, C Mazur, F Auger, A Musumarra, N Alamanos, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1999
A finite-time analysis of multi-armed bandits problems with kullback-leibler divergences
OA Maillard, R Munos, G Stoltz
Proceedings of the 24th annual conference on learning theory, 497-514, 2011
Compressed least-squares regression
OA Maillard, R Munos
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2009
Latent Bandits.
OA Maillard, S Mannor
International Conference on Machine Learning, 136-144, 2014
The non-stationary stochastic multi-armed bandit problem
R Allesiardo, R Féraud, OA Maillard
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 3, 267-283, 2017
Variance-aware regret bounds for undiscounted reinforcement learning in mdps
MS Talebi, OA Maillard
Algorithmic Learning Theory, 770-805, 2018
Robust risk-averse stochastic multi-armed bandits
OA Maillard
Algorithmic Learning Theory: 24th International Conference, ALT 2013 …, 2013
PICOSEC: Charged particle timing at sub-25 picosecond precision with a Micromegas based detector
J Bortfeldt, F Brunbauer, C David, D Desforge, G Fanourakis, J Franchi, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2018
LSTD with random projections
M Ghavamzadeh, A Lazaric, OA Maillard, R Munos
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23, 721--729, 2010
Sub-sampling for multi-armed bandits
A Baransi, OA Maillard, S Mannor
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2014
Reinforcement learning for crop management support: Review, prospects and challenges
R Gautron, OA Maillard, P Preux, M Corbeels, R Sabbadin
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 200, 107182, 2022
How hard is my MDP?" The distribution-norm to the rescue"
OA Maillard, TA Mann, S Mannor
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27, 2014
Linear regression with random projections
OA Maillard, R Munos
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 13 (1), 2735-2772, 2012
Online learning in adversarial lipschitz environments
OA Maillard, R Munos
Joint european conference on machine learning and knowledge discovery in …, 2010
Selecting the state-representation in reinforcement learning
OA Maillard, D Ryabko, R Munos
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24, 2011
Finite-sample analysis of Bellman residual minimization
OA Maillard, R Munos, A Lazaric, M Ghavamzadeh
Proceedings of 2nd Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 299-314, 2010
Tightening exploration in upper confidence reinforcement learning
H Bourel, O Maillard, MS Talebi
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1056-1066, 2020
Optimal thompson sampling strategies for support-aware cvar bandits
D Baudry, R Gautron, E Kaufmann, O Maillard
International Conference on Machine Learning, 716-726, 2021
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مقالات 1–20