Martin Mönnigmann
Martin Mönnigmann
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Advances in protein structure prediction and de novo protein design: A review
CA Floudas, HK Fung, SR McAllister, M Mönnigmann, R Rajgaria
Chemical Engineering Science 61 (3), 966-988, 2006
Systematic identifiability testing for unambiguous mechanistic modeling – application to JAK-STAT, MAP kinase, and NF-κ B signaling pathway models
T Quaiser, M Mönnigmann
BMC systems biology 3, 1-21, 2009
Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of persistently activated STAT3
A Herrmann, M Vogt, M Mönnigmann, T Clahsen, U Sommer, S Haan, ...
Journal of cell science 120 (18), 3249-3261, 2007
Normal vectors on manifolds of critical points for parametric robustness of equilibrium solutions of ODE systems
M Mönnigmann, W Marquardt
Journal of nonlinear science 12, 85-112, 2002
Coupled DEM–CFD simulation of drying wood chips in a rotary drum–baffle design and model reduction
V Scherer, M Mönnigmann, MO Berner, F Sudbrock
Fuel 184, 896-904, 2016
Steady‐state process optimization with guaranteed robust stability and feasibility
M Mönnigmann, W Marquardt
AICHE journal 49 (12), 3110-3126, 2003
Numerical solution approaches for robust nonlinear optimal control problems
M Diehl, J Gerhard, W Marquardt, M Mönnigmann
Computers & Chemical Engineering 32 (6), 1279-1292, 2008
Steady-state process optimization with guaranteed robust stability and flexibility: Application to HDA reaction section
M Mönnigmann, W Marquardt
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 44 (8), 2737-2753, 2005
Five-loop additive renormalization in the φ 4 theory and amplitude functions of the minimally renormalized specific heat in three dimensions
SA Larin, M Mönnigmann, M Strösser, V Dohm
Physical Review B 58 (6), 3394, 1998
Constructive nonlinear dynamics in process systems engineering
W Marquardt, M Mönnigmann
Computers & Chemical Engineering 29 (6), 1265-1275, 2005
A simple work flow for biologically inspired model reduction-application to early JAK-STAT signaling
T Quaiser, A Dittrich, F Schaper, M Mönnigmann
BMC systems biology 5, 1-13, 2011
Protein loop structure prediction with flexible stem geometries
M Mönnigmann, CA Floudas
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 61 (4), 748-762, 2005
Optimization of a vendor managed inventory supply chain with guaranteed stability and robustness
D Kastsian, M Mönnigmann
International Journal of Production Economics 131 (2), 727-735, 2011
Fast explicit MPC with multiway trees
M Mönnigmann, M Kastsian
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 1356-1361, 2011
Normal vectors on critical manifolds for robust design of transient processes in the presence of fast disturbances
J Gerhard, W Marquardt, M Mönnigmann
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 7 (2), 461-490, 2008
Model-driven experimental analysis of the function of SHP-2 in IL-6-induced Jak/STAT signaling
A Dittrich, T Quaiser, C Khouri, D Görtz, M Mönnigmann, F Schaper
Molecular BioSystems 8 (8), 2119-2134, 2012
Integrated design and control for robust performance: Application to an MSMPR crystallizer
R Grosch, M Mönnigmann, W Marquardt
Journal of process control 18 (2), 173-188, 2008
Optimal and suboptimal event-triggering in linear model predictive control
M Jost, MS Darup, M Mönnigmann
2015 European Control Conference (ECC), 1153-1158, 2015
A hybrid approach for efficient robust design of dynamic systems
M Mönnigmann, W Marquardt, CH Bischof, T Beelitz, B Lang, P Willems
SIAM review 49 (2), 236-254, 2007
A method for robustness analysis of controlled nonlinear systems
J Hahn, M Mönnigmann, W Marquardt
Chemical Engineering Science 59 (20), 4325-4338, 2004
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مقالات 1–20