Achal Lama
Achal Lama
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Modelling and forecasting of price volatility: an application of GARCH and EGARCH models §
A Lama, GK Jha, RK Paul, B Gurung
Agricultural Economics Research Review 28 (1), 73-82, 2015
An ARIMA-LSTM model for predicting volatile agricultural price series with random forest technique
S Ray, A Lama, P Mishra, T Biswas, SS Das, B Gurung
Applied Soft Computing 149, 110939, 2023
Six years of conservation agriculture and nutrient management in maize–mustard rotation: Impact on soil properties, system productivity and profitability
V Pooniya, N Biswakarma, CM Parihar, K Swarnalakshmi, A Lama, ...
Field Crops Research 260, 108002, 2020
Five years integrated crop management in direct seeded rice–zero till wheat rotation of north-western India: Effects on soil carbon dynamics, crop yields, water productivity …
N Biswakarma, V Pooniya, RR Zhiipao, D Kumar, AK Verma, YS Shivay, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 318, 107492, 2021
Innovative biochar and organic manure co-composting technology for yield maximization in maize-black gram cropping system
SK Das, GK Ghosh, R Avasthe, MC Kundu, BU Choudhury, K Baruah, ...
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 13 (9), 7797-7809, 2023
Organic nutrient sources and biochar technology on microbial biomass carbon and soil enzyme activity in maize-black gram cropping system
SK Das, GK Ghosh, R Avasthe, BU Choudhury, VK Mishra, MC Kundu, ...
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 13 (10), 9277-9287, 2023
Long-term conservation agriculture and best nutrient management improves productivity and profitability coupled with soil properties of a maize–chickpea rotation
V Pooniya, RR Zhiipao, N Biswakarma, SL Jat, D Kumar, CM Parihar, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 10386, 2021
Crop Yield Prediction Using Hybrid Machine Learning Approach: A Case Study of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)
P Das, GK Jha, A Lama, R Parsad
Agriculture 13 (3), 596, 2023
Conservation agriculture based integrated crop management sustains productivity and economic profitability along with soil properties of the maize-wheat rotation
V Pooniya, RR Zhiipao, N Biswakarma, D Kumar, YS Shivay, S Babu, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 1962, 2022
Forecasting monthly rainfall of Sub-Himalayan region of India using parametric and non-parametric modelling approaches
A Lama, KN Singh, H Singh, R Shekhawat, P Mishra, B Gurung
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 8 (1), 837-845, 2022
Empirical Mode Decomposition based Support Vector Regression for Agricultural Price Forecasting
P Das, GK Jha, A Lama, R Parsad, D Mishra
Indian Journal of Extension Education 56 (2), 7-12, 2020
Identification of a resource-efficient integrated crop management practice for the rice-wheat rotations in south Asian Indo-Gangetic Plains
N Biswakarma, V Pooniya, RR Zhiipao, D Kumar, YS Shivay, TK Das, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 357, 108675, 2023
Modelling Volatility Influenced by Exogenous Factors using an Improved GARCH-X Model
M Yeasin, KN Singh, A Lama, RK Paul
Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics 74 (3), 209-216, 2020
Modeling and forecasting rainfall patterns in India: a time series analysis with XGBoost algorithm
P Mishra, AMG Al Khatib, S Yadav, S Ray, A Lama, B Kumari, D Sharma, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 83 (6), 163, 2024
A comparative study on time-delay neural network and GARCH models for forecasting agricultural commodity price volatility
A Lama, GK Jha, B Gurung, RK Paul, A Bharadwaj, R Parsad
Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics 70 (1), 7-18, 2016
Modelling annual maximum temperature of India: a distributional approach
B Gurung, KP Sarkar, KN Singh, A Lama
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 145 (3), 979-988, 2021
An algorithm for automatic text annotation for named entity recognition using Spacy framework
M Kumar, KK Chaturvedi, A Sharma, A Arora, MS Farooqi, SB Lal, A Lama, ...
Forecasting of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Prices in India
P Prakash, D Jaganathan, S Immanuel, A Lama, J Sreekumar, ...
Indian Journal of Extension Education 58 (2), 15-20, 2022
Forecasting of onion (Allium cepa) price and volatility movements using ARIMAX-GARCH and DCC models
S Ghosh, KN Singh, A Thangasamy, D Datta, A Lama
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (5), 1009-1013, 2020
Agricultural price forecasting using NARX model for soybean oil.
R Jaiswal, GK Jha, RR Kumar, A Lama
Current Science (00113891) 125 (1), 2023
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مقالات 1–20