Khaleequr  Rehman Niazi
Khaleequr Rehman Niazi
Electrical Engineering Department, MNIT, Jaipur
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على mnit.ac.in
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Distribution network reconfiguration for power quality and reliability improvement using Genetic Algorithms
N Gupta, A Swarnkar, KR Niazi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 54, 664-671, 2014
Cuckoo search optimization algorithm for designing of a multimachine power system stabilizer
D Chitara, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar, N Gupta
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (4), 3056-3065, 2018
Improved elephant herding optimization for multiobjective DER accommodation in distribution systems
NK Meena, S Parashar, A Swarnkar, N Gupta, KR Niazi
IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics 14 (3), 1029-1039, 2017
Multi-objective reconfiguration of distribution systems using adaptive genetic algorithm in fuzzy framework
N Gupta, A Swarnkar, KR Niazi, RC Bansal
IET generation, transmission & distribution 4 (12), 1288-1298, 2010
Line collapse proximity index for prediction of voltage collapse in power systems
R Tiwari, KR Niazi, V Gupta
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 41 (1), 105-111, 2012
Simultaneous allocation of distributed energy resource using improved particle swarm optimization
N Kanwar, N Gupta, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar, RC Bansal
Applied energy 185, 1684-1693, 2017
Adapted ant colony optimization for efficient reconfiguration of balanced and unbalanced distribution systems for loss minimization
A Swarnkar, N Gupta, KR Niazi
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 1 (3), 129-137, 2011
Voltage stability assessment in power systems using line voltage stability index
S Ratra, R Tiwari, KR Niazi
Computers & Electrical Engineering 70, 199-211, 2018
Modulated particle swarm optimization for economic emission dispatch
VK Jadoun, N Gupta, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 73, 80-88, 2015
Real-time monitoring of post-fault scenario for determining generator coherency and transient stability through ANN
SA Siddiqui, K Verma, KR Niazi, M Fozdar
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (1), 685-692, 2017
Improved meta-heuristic techniques for simultaneous capacitor and DG allocation in radial distribution networks
N Kanwar, N Gupta, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 73, 653-664, 2015
Integration of renewable energy sources in dynamic economic load dispatch problem using an improved fireworks algorithm
VK Jadoun, VC Pandey, N Gupta, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar
IET renewable power generation 12 (9), 1004-1011, 2018
Multi‐objective Taguchi approach for optimal DG integration in distribution systems
NK Meena, A Swarnkar, N Gupta, KR Niazi
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (9), 2418-2428, 2017
A novel codification for meta-heuristic techniques used in distribution network reconfiguration
A Swarnkar, N Gupta, KR Niazi
Electric power systems research 81 (7), 1619-1626, 2011
A new multi-objective fuzzy-GA formulation for optimal placement and sizing of shunt FACTS controller
AR Phadke, M Fozdar, KR Niazi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 40 (1), 46-53, 2012
Power system security evaluation using ANN: feature selection using divergence
KR Niazi, CM Arora, SL Surana
Electric Power Systems Research 69 (2-3), 161-167, 2004
Coordination of different DGs, BESS and demand response for multi-objective optimization of distribution network with special reference to Indian power sector
S Sharma, KR Niazi, K Verma, T Rawat
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 121, 106074, 2020
Reconfiguration of distribution systems for real power loss minimization using adaptive particle swarm optimization
N Gupta, A Swarnkar, KR Niazi
Electric Power Components and Systems 39 (4), 317-330, 2011
Study on dynamic participation of wind turbines in automatic generation control of power systems
Ibraheem, KR Niazi, G Sharma
Electric Power Components and Systems 43 (1), 44-55, 2015
Improved cat swarm optimization for simultaneous allocation of DSTATCOM and DGs in distribution systems
N Kanwar, N Gupta, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar
Journal of Renewable Energy 2015 (1), 189080, 2015
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مقالات 1–20