Margaret Neale
Margaret Neale
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Why differences make a difference: A field study of diversity, conflict and performance in workgroups
KA Jehn, GB Northcraft, MA Neale
Administrative science quarterly 44 (4), 741-763, 1999
What differences make a difference? The promise and reality of diverse teams in organizations
E Mannix, MA Neale
Psychological science in the public interest 6 (2), 31-55, 2005
Experts, amateurs, and real estate: An anchoring-and-adjustment perspective on property pricing decisions
GB Northcraft, MA Neale
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 39 (1), 84-97, 1987
Being different yet feeling similar: The influence of demographic composition and organizational culture on work processes and outcomes
JA Chatman, JT Polzer, SG Barsade, MA Neale
Administrative Science Quarterly, 749-780, 1998
Group composition and decision making: How member familiarity and information distribution affect process and performance
DH Gruenfeld, EA Mannix, KY Williams, MA Neale
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 67 (1), 1-15, 1996
Negotiating rationally
MH Bazerman, MA Neale
Simon and Schuster, 1993
Virtualness and knowledge in teams: Managing the love triangle of organizations, individuals, and information technology
TL Griffith, JE Sawyer, MA Neale
MIS quarterly, 265-287, 2003
Cognition and rationality in negotiation
MA Neale, MH Bazerman
(No Title), 1991
Expertise in forecasting performance of security analysts
J Jacob, TZ Lys, MA Neale
Journal of Accounting and Economics 28 (1), 51-82, 1999
Organizational behavior: A management challenge
GB Northcraft, MA Neale
(No Title), 1990
The effects of framing and negotiator overconfidence on bargaining behaviors and outcomes
MA Neale, MH Bazerman
Academy of Management Journal 28 (1), 34-49, 1985
Integrative bargaining in a competitive market
MH Bazerman, T Magliozzi, MA Neale
Organizational behavior and human Decision Processes 35 (3), 294-313, 1985
Who's really sharing? Effects of social and expert status on knowledge exchange within groups
MC Thomas-Hunt, TY Ogden, MA Neale
Management science 49 (4), 464-477, 2003
Heuristics in negotiation: Limitations to effective dispute resolution.
MH Bazerman, MA Neale
Cambridge University Press, 1986
8. Information processing in traditional, hybrid, and virtual teams: From nascent knowledge to transactive memory
TL Griffith, MA Neale
Research in organizational behavior 23, 379-421, 2001
Diverse groups and information sharing: The effects of congruent ties
KW Phillips, EA Mannix, MA Neale, DH Gruenfeld
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 40 (4), 497-510, 2004
Surface-level diversity and decision-making in groups: When does deep-level similarity help?
KW Phillips, GB Northcraft, MA Neale
Group processes & intergroup relations 9 (4), 467-482, 2006
Technologies of status management status dynamics in e-mail communications
DA Owens, MA Neale, RI Sutton
Research on managing groups and teams, 205-230, 2000
The role of perspective-taking ability in negotiating under different forms of arbitration
MA Neale, MH Bazerman
ilr Review 36 (3), 378-388, 1983
Opportunity costs and the framing of resource allocation decisions
GB Northcraft, MA Neale
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 37 (3), 348-356, 1986
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مقالات 1–20