Tadeusz Martynkien
Tadeusz Martynkien
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology,
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على pwr.edu.pl
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Highly birefringent microstructured fibers with enhanced sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure
T Martynkien, G Statkiewicz-Barabach, J Olszewski, J Wojcik, P Mergo, ...
Optics Express 18 (14), 15113-15121, 2010
Dispersion effects in elliptical-core highly birefringent fibers
W Urbanczyk, T Martynkien, WJ Bock
Applied Optics 40 (12), 1911-1920, 2001
Dispersion of group and phase modal birefringence in elliptical-core fiber measured by white-light spectral interferometry
P Hlubina, T Martynkien, W Urbańczyk
Optics Express 11 (22), 2793-2798, 2003
Dispersion-managed Ho-doped fiber laser mode-locked with a graphene saturable absorber
M Pawliszewska, T Martynkien, A Przewłoka, J Sotor
Optics Letters 43 (1), 38-41, 2017
Experimental and theoretical investigations of birefringent holey fibers with a triple defect
M Szpulak, G Statkiewicz, J Olszewski, T Martynkien, W Urbańczyk, ...
Applied optics 44 (13), 2652-2658, 2005
Effects of hydrostatic pressure on phase and group modal birefringence in microstructured holey fibers
M Szpulak, T Martynkien, W Urbanczyk
Applied optics 43 (24), 4739-4744, 2004
Measurements of modal birefringence and polarimetric sensitivity of the birefringent holey fiber to hydrostatic pressure and strain
G Statkiewicz, T Martynkien, W Urbańczyk
Optics Communications 241 (4-6), 339-348, 2004
Temperature and pressure sensitivities of the highly birefringent photonic crystal fiber with core asymmetry
T Nasilowski, T Martynkien, G Statkiewicz, M Szpulak, J Olszewski, ...
Applied Physics B 81, 325-331, 2005
High-power frequency comb source tunable from 2.7 to 4.2 μm based on difference frequency generation pumped by an Yb-doped fiber laser
G Soboń, T Martynkien, P Mergo, L Rutkowski, A Foltynowicz
Optics letters 42 (9), 1748-1751, 2017
Ultra-broadband dissipative soliton and noise-like pulse generation from a normal dispersion mode-locked Tm-doped all-fiber laser
G Sobon, J Sotor, T Martynkien, KM Abramski
Optics Express 24 (6), 6156-6161, 2016
All-polarization-maintaining, stretched-pulse Tm-doped fiber laser, mode-locked by a graphene saturable absorber
J Sotor, J Bogusławski, T Martynkien, P Mergo, A Krajewska, A Przewłoka, ...
Optics Letters 42 (8), 1592-1595, 2017
Measurement of the group dispersion of the fundamental mode of holey fiber by white-light spectral interferometry
P Hlubina, M Szpulak, D Ciprian, T Martynkien, W Urbańczyk
Optics Express 15 (18), 11073-11081, 2007
Optical refractometer based on a birefringent Bragg grating written in an H-shaped fiber
O Frazão, T Martynkien, JM Baptista, JL Santos, W Urbanczyk, J Wojcik
Optics letters 34 (1), 76-78, 2008
Modeling and measurement of temperature sensitivity in birefringent photonic crystal holey fibers
T Martynkien, M Szpulak, W Urbanczyk
Applied Optics 44 (36), 7780-7788, 2005
Control over the pressure sensitivity of Bragg grating-based sensors in highly birefringent microstructured optical fibers
S Sulejmani, C Sonnenfeld, T Geernaert, P Mergo, M Makara, K Poturaj, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24 (6), 527-529, 2012
All-solid microstructured fiber with flat normal chromatic dispersion
T Martynkien, D Pysz, R Stępień, R Buczyński
Optics Letters 39 (8), 2342-2345, 2014
All-fiber mid-infrared source tunable from 6 to 9 μm based on difference frequency generation in OP-GaP crystal
J Sotor, T Martynkien, PG Schunemann, P Mergo, L Rutkowski, G Soboń
Optics express 26 (9), 11756-11763, 2018
Generation of sub-100 fs pulses tunable from 1700 to 2100 nm from a compact frequency-shifted Er-fiber laser
G Soboń, T Martynkien, K Tarnowski, P Mergo, J Sotor
Photonics Research 5 (3), 151-155, 2017
Experimental investigations of bending loss oscillations in large mode area photonic crystal fibers
T Martynkien, J Olszewski, M Szpulak, G Golojuch, W Urbanczyk, ...
Optics Express 15 (21), 13547-13556, 2007
Infrared supercontinuum generation in soft-glass photonic crystal fibers pumped at 1560 nm
G Sobon, M Klimczak, J Sotor, K Krzempek, D Pysz, R Stepien, ...
Optical Materials Express 4 (1), 7-15, 2013
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مقالات 1–20