sebastiano delre
sebastiano delre
Associate Professor
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Will it spread or not? The effects of social influences and network topology on innovation diffusion
SA Delre, W Jager, THA Bijmolt, MA Janssen
Journal of Product Innovation Management 27 (2), 267-282, 2010
Diffusion dynamics in small-world networks with heterogeneous consumers
SA Delre, W Jager, MA Janssen
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 13, 185-202, 2007
Targeting and timing promotional activities: An agent-based model for the takeoff of new products
SA Delre, W Jager, THA Bijmolt, MA Janssen
Journal of business research 60 (8), 826-835, 2007
The effects of shared consumption on product life cycles and advertising effectiveness: the case of the motion picture market
SA Delre, TLJ Broekhuizen, THA Bijmolt
Journal of Marketing Research 53 (4), 608-627, 2016
Simulating the cinema market: How cross‐cultural differences in social influence explain box office distributions
TLJ Broekhuizen, SA Delre, A Torres
Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (2), 204-217, 2011
Effects of social networks on innovation diffusion and market dynamics
SA Delre
How has the effect of brand personality on customer-based brand equity changed over time? Longitudinal evidence from a panel data set spanning 18 years
J Luffarelli, SA Delre, P Landgraf
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 51 (3), 598-616, 2023
JanssenMA (2010). Will it spread or not? The effects of social influences and network topology on innovation diffusion
SA Delre, W Jager, THA Bijmolt
Journal of Product Innovation Management 27 (2), 267-282, 0
Consumer reviews and product life cycle: On the temporal dynamics of electronic word of mouth on movie box office
SA Delre, J Luffarelli
Journal of Business Research 156, 113329, 2023
Artificial multi-agent stock markets: Simple strategies, complex outcomes
AOI Hoffmann, SA Delre, JH Von Eije, W Jager
Advances in Artificial Economics: The Economy as a Complex Dynamic System …, 2006
Competitive strategies in the motion picture industry: An ABM to study investment decisions
SA Delre, C Panico, B Wierenga
International Journal of Research in Marketing 34 (1), 69-99, 2017
The effect of social influence on market inequalities in the motion picture industry
SA Delre, TLJ Broekhuizen, W Jager
Advances in Complex Systems 11 (02), 273-287, 2008
Stock price dynamics in artificial Multi-Agent stock markets
AOI Hoffmann, SA Delre, JH Von Eije, W Jager
Artificial Economics: Agent-Based Methods in Finance, Game Theory and Their …, 2006
Percolation and innovation diffusion models compared: do network structures and social preferences matter
SA Delre, W Jager, MA Janssen
Proceedings of M2M2 workshop and ESSA conference, Valladolid, Spain, 2004
Information and cooperation in a simulated labor market: A computational model for the evolution of workers and firms
M Salzano, D Colander, SA Delre, D Parisi
Complexity hints for economic policy, 211-230, 2007
Simulating the motion picture market: Why the hits take it all
SA Delre, W Jager, THA Bijmolt, MA Janssen
Proc. First World Conference in Social Simulation, 21-25, 2006
The influence of network topology and social preference on diffusion processes
SA Delre, W Jager, MA Janssen
Retrieved, 2009
The effect of social influence on market inequalities in the motion picture industry
T Broekhuizen, S Delre, AT Lacomba
Proceedings of the EMAC Conference, 27-30 May, 2008
“Learning by doing” como detonador de un comportamiento innovador y frugal de alumnos en prácticas
CRS Sánchez, J Boysselle, SA Delre
Recherches en Sciences de Gestion 156 (3), 309-340, 2023
Competition and Strategic Budget Choices in the Motion Picture Industry
SA Delre, PG Sekeris
Journal of Industrial Economics 71 (3), 728-769, 2023
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مقالات 1–20