Policy Officer, Environmental Footprints and Green Claims, EC - DG ENV
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ec.europa.eu - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Using life cycle assessment to achieve a circular economy
C Peña, B Civit, A Gallego-Schmid, A Druckman, A Caldeira-Pires, ...
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2021
Environmental improvement potential of textiles (IMPRO Textiles)
A Beton, D Dias, L Farrant, T Gibon, Y Le Guern, M Desaxce, A Perwueltz, ...
European Commission 20, 2014
Evolution of disposable baby diapers in Europe: Life cycle assessment of environmental impacts and identification of key areas of improvement
M Cordella, I Bauer, A Lehmann, M Schulz, O Wolf
Journal of cleaner production 95, 322-331, 2015
Does circular economy mitigate the extraction of natural resources? Empirical evidence based on analysis of 28 European economies over the past decade
M Bianchi, M Cordella
Ecological Economics 203, 107607, 2023
LCA of an Italian lager beer
M Cordella, A Tugnoli, G Spadoni, F Santarelli, T Zangrando
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 13, 133-139, 2008
Durability of smartphones: A technical analysis of reliability and repairability aspects
M Cordella, F Alfieri, C Clemm, A Berwald
Journal of Cleaner Production 286, 125388, 2021
Bio-oils from biomass slow pyrolysis: a chemical and toxicological screening
M Cordella, C Torri, A Adamiano, D Fabbri, F Barontini, V Cozzani
Journal of hazardous materials 231, 26-35, 2012
Level(s) – A common EU framework of core sustainability indicators for office and residential buildings. Parts 1 and 2 (Beta v1.0)
N Dodd, M Cordella, M Traverso, S Donatello
EUR 28899 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017 …, 2017
Analysis of key environmental areas in the design and labelling of furniture products: Application of a screening approach based on a literature review of LCA studies
M Cordella, C Hidalgo
Sustainable Production and Consumption 8, 64-77, 2016
Improving material efficiency in the life cycle of products: a review of EU Ecolabel criteria
M Cordella, F Alfieri, J Sanfelix, S Donatello, R Kaps, O Wolf
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25, 921-935, 2020
Reducing the carbon footprint of ICT products through material efficiency strategies: A life cycle analysis of smartphones
M Cordella, F Alfieri, J Sanfelix
Journal of Industrial Ecology; 1–17; https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.13119, 2021
Analysis of evaluation systems for product repairability: A case study for washing machines
E Bracquené, J Peeters, F Alfieri, J Sanfélix, J Duflou, W Dewulf, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production, 125122, 2021
Analysis and development of a scoring system for repair and upgrade of products
M Cordella, F Alfieri, FJV SANFELIX
Whole life cycle environmental impact assessment of buildings: Developing software tool and database support for the EU framework Level (s)
C De Wolf, M Cordella, N Dodd, B Byers, S Donatello
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 188, 106642, 2023
End-of-life management of single-use baby diapers: Analysis of technical, health and environment aspects
J Płotka-Wasylka, P Makoś-Chełstowska, A Kurowska-Susdorf, ...
Science of the Total Environment 836, 155339, 2022
Measuring investments progress in ecological transition: The Green Investment Financial Tool (GIFT) approach
L Becchetti, M Cordella, P Morone
Journal of cleaner production 357, 131915, 2022
Yields and ageing of the liquids obtained by slow pyrolysis of sorghum, switchgrass and corn stalks
M Cordella, C Berrueco, F Santarelli, N Paterson, R Kandiyoti, M Millan
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 104, 316-324, 2013
Regional monitoring frameworks for the circular economy: implications from a territorial perspective
M Bianchi, M Cordella, P Menger
EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2022.205718, 2022
Level(s) – A common EU framework of core sustainability indicators for office and residential buildings. Part 3: How to make performance assessments using Level(s) (Beta v1.0)
N Dodd, M Cordella, M Traverso, S Donatello
EUR 28898 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017 …, 2017
Durability of washing machines under real life conditions: Definition and application of a testing procedure
R Stamminger, A Bues, F Alfieri, M Cordella
Journal of cleaner production 261, 121222, 2020
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مقالات 1–20