S.Y. Chen
S.Y. Chen
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
SiamCAR: Siamese fully convolutional classification and regression for visual tracking
D Guo, J Wang, Y Cui, Z Wang, S Chen
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
Kalman filter for robot vision: a survey
SY Chen
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 59 (11), 4409-4420, 2011
Active vision in robotic systems: A survey of recent developments
S Chen, Y Li, NM Kwok
The International Journal of Robotics Research 30 (11), 1343-1377, 2011
Game theory for wireless sensor networks: a survey
HY Shi, WL Wang, NM Kwok, SY Chen
Sensors 12 (7), 9055-9097, 2012
Artificial intelligence in civil engineering
P Lu, S Chen, Y Zheng
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2012 (1), 145974, 2012
Intelligent video systems and analytics: A survey
H Liu, S Chen, N Kubota
IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics 9 (3), 1222-1233, 2013
Automatic sensor placement for model-based robot vision
SY Chen, YF Li
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 34 …, 2004
Vision processing for realtime 3-D data acquisition based on coded structured light
SY Chen, YF Li, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17 (2), 167-176, 2008
Cloning and sequence analysis of the cDNA encoding P-450 aromatase (P450arom) from a rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) ovary; relationship between the amount of P450arom mRNA …
M Tanaka, TM Telecky, S Fukada, S Adachi, S Chen, Y Nagahama
Journal of molecular endocrinology 8 (1), 53-61, 1992
Initial alignment by attitude estimation for strapdown inertial navigation systems
L Chang, J Li, S Chen
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 64 (3), 784-794, 2014
Evolutionary optimization for disaster relief operations: A survey
YJ Zheng, SY Chen, HF Ling
Applied Soft Computing 27, 553-566, 2015
Traffic dynamics on complex networks: a survey
S Chen, W Huang, C Cattani, G Altieri
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2012 (1), 732698, 2012
A hybrid fireworks optimization method with differential evolution operators
YJ Zheng, XL Xu, HF Ling, SY Chen
Neurocomputing 148, 75-82, 2015
Recent advances in morphological cell image analysis
S Chen, M Zhao, G Wu, C Yao, J Zhang
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2012 (1), 101536, 2012
Vision sensor planning for 3-D model acquisition
SY Chen, YF Li
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 35 …, 2005
Generative adversarial network based telecom fraud detection at the receiving bank
YJ Zheng, XH Zhou, WG Sheng, Y Xue, SY Chen
Neural Networks 102, 78-86, 2018
Multiobjective fireworks optimization for variable-rate fertilization in oil crop production
YJ Zheng, Q Song, SY Chen
Applied Soft Computing 13 (11), 4253-4263, 2013
Deep learning for multiple object tracking: a survey
Y Xu, X Zhou, S Chen, F Li
IET Computer Vision 13 (4), 355-368, 2019
Optimization of deep convolutional neural network for large scale image retrieval
C Bai, L Huang, X Pan, J Zheng, S Chen
Neurocomputing 303, 60-67, 2018
Population classification in fire evacuation: A multiobjective particle swarm optimization approach
YJ Zheng, HF Ling, JY Xue, SY Chen
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 18 (1), 70-81, 2013
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مقالات 1–20