Brajendra K. Singh
Brajendra K. Singh
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Health Quality Promotion, Atlanta, GA
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A systematic review of mathematical models of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission: 1970–2010
RC Reiner, TA Perkins, CM Barker, T Niu, LF Chaves, AM Ellis, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 10 (80), 20120921, 2013
Recasting the theory of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission dynamics and control
DL Smith, TA Perkins, RC Reiner, CM Barker, T Niu, LF Chaves, AM Ellis, ...
Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 108 (4 …, 2014
Effectiveness of a triple-drug regimen for global elimination of lymphatic filariasis: a modelling study
MA Irvine, WA Stolk, ME Smith, S Subramanian, BK Singh, GJ Weil, ...
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 17 (4), 451-458, 2017
Quantitative analyses and modelling to support achievement of the 2020 goals for nine neglected tropical diseases
TD Hollingsworth, ER Adams, RM Anderson, K Atkins, S Bartsch, ...
Parasites & vectors 8, 1-28, 2015
The role of virus infection in a simple phytoplankton zooplankton system
BK Singh, J Chattopadhyay, S Sinha
Journal of theoretical biology 231 (2), 153-166, 2004
Bayesian calibration of simulation models for supporting management of the elimination of the macroparasitic disease, lymphatic filariasis
BK Singh, E Michael
Parasites & vectors 8, 1-26, 2015
Epidemiological inference for partially observed epidemics: the example of the 2001 foot and mouth epidemic in Great Britain
IC Ster, BK Singh, NM Ferguson
Epidemics 1 (1), 21-34, 2009
Congestion and decongestion in a communication network
BK Singh, N Gupte
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (5 …, 2005
Predicting lymphatic filariasis transmission and elimination dynamics using a multi-model ensemble framework
ME Smith, BK Singh, MA Irvine, WA Stolk, S Subramanian, ...
Epidemics 18, 16-28, 2017
The role of heterogeneity on the spatiotemporal dynamics of host–parasite metapopulation
BK Singh, JS Rao, R Ramaswamy, S Sinha
Ecological modelling 180 (2-3), 435-443, 2004
Continental-scale, data-driven predictive assessment of eliminating the vector-borne disease, lymphatic filariasis, in sub-Saharan Africa by 2020
E Michael, BK Singh, BK Mayala, ME Smith, S Hampton, J Nabrzyski
Bmc Medicine 15, 1-23, 2017
Heterogeneous dynamics, robustness/fragility trade-offs, and the eradication of the macroparasitic disease, lymphatic filariasis
E Michael, BK Singh
BMC medicine 14, 1-23, 2016
The Role of Serotype Interactions and Seasonality in Dengue Model Selection and Control: Insights from a Pattern Matching Approach
A Quirine, BK Singh, MRA Hassan, DD Chadee, E Michael
PLOS Negl Trop Dis 10 (5), e0004680, 2016
Crossover behavior in a communication network
BK Singh, N Gupte
Physical Review E 68 (6), 066121, 2003
Analytic approximation of spatial epidemic models of foot and mouth disease
PE Parham, BK Singh, NM Ferguson
Theoretical population biology 73 (3), 349-368, 2008
Sequential modelling of the effects of mass drug treatments on anopheline-mediated lymphatic filariasis infection in Papua New Guinea
BK Singh, MJ Bockarie, M Gambhir, PM Siba, DJ Tisch, J Kazura, ...
Rapid detection of pandemic influenza in the presence of seasonal influenza
BK Singh, NJ Savill, M Ferguson, Neil, MEJ Woolhouse
Options for the control of influenza VII published in Influenza and Other …, 2011
Rapid detection of pandemic influenza in the presence of seasonal influenza
BK Singh, NJ Savill, NM Ferguson, C Robertson, MEJ Woolhouse
BMC Public Health 10, 1-11, 2010
Multiscroll in coupled double scroll type oscillators
SK Dana, BK Singh, S Chakraborty, RC Yadav, J Kurths, VO GREGORY, ...
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 18 (10), 2965-2980, 2008
Assessing endgame strategies for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis: A model-based evaluation of the impact of DEC-medicated salt
ME Smith, BK Singh, E Michael
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 7386, 2017
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مقالات 1–20