Tracey E. Rizzuto
Tracey E. Rizzuto
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Examining the impact and detection of the" urban legend" of common method bias
A Schwarz, T Rizzuto, C Carraher-Wolverton, JL Roldán, ...
ACM SIGMIS Database: The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 48 (1 …, 2017
A construct‐oriented analysis of individual‐level polychronicity
JM Conte, TE Rizzuto, DD Steiner
Journal of Managerial Psychology 14 (3/4), 269-288, 1999
It’s not just what you know, it’s who you know: Testing a model of the relative importance of social networks to academic performance
TE Rizzuto, J LeDoux, JP Hatala
Social Psychology of Education 12, 175-189, 2009
Stressors and supports for adult online learners: Comparing first-and continuing-generation college students
SA Dumais, TE Rizzuto, J Cleary, L Dowden
American Journal of Distance Education 27 (2), 100-110, 2013
Age and technology innovation in the workplace: Does work context matter?
TE Rizzuto
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (5), 1612-1620, 2011
Strategic compatibility, collaboration and collective impact for community change
ME Brown, T Rizzuto, P Singh
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 40 (4), 421-434, 2019
Institutional pressures on corporate social responsibility strategy in construction corporations: The role of internal motivations
X Li, X Gao‐Zeller, TE Rizzuto, F Yang
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 26 (4), 721-740, 2019
Toward a deeper understanding of IT adoption: A multilevel analysis
TE Rizzuto, A Schwarz, C Schwarz
Information & Management 51 (4), 479-487, 2014
Potential and challenges of immersive virtual environments for occupant energy behavior modeling and validation: A literature review
Y Zhu, S Saeidi, T Rizzuto, A Roetzel, R Kooima
Journal of Building Engineering 19, 302-319, 2018
A multidisciplinary meta-analysis of human barriers to technology implementation.
TE Rizzuto, J Reeves
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 59 (3), 226, 2007
Voluntary survey completion among team members: implications of noncompliance and missing data for multilevel research.
RR Hirschfeld, MS Cole, JB Bernerth, TE Rizzuto
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (3), 454, 2013
Examining the “urban legend” of common method bias: Nine common errors and their impact
A Schwarz, C Schwarz, T Rizzuto
Proceedings of the 41st annual Hawaii international conference on system …, 2008
Exploring thermal state in mixed immersive virtual environments
S Saeidi, G Rentala, T Rizzuto, T Hong, N Johannsen, Y Zhu
Journal of Building Engineering 44, 102918, 2021
The aging process and cognitive capabilities
TE Rizzuto, KE Cherry, JA LeDoux
Organizing chaos: Crisis management in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
TE Rizzuto, LK Maloney
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 39 (1), 77, 2008
What are the occupational hazards of construction project managers: A data mining analysis in China
X Li, Y Fei, TE Rizzuto, F Yang
Safety science 134, 105088, 2021
Individual differences and group negotiation: The role of polychronicity, dominance, and decision rule
S Mohammed, T Rizzuto, NJ Hiller, DA Newman, T Chen
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 1 (3), 282-307, 2008
Pennsylvania's transition to enterprise computing as a study in strategic alignment
S Sawyer, CC Hinnant, T Rizzuto
Government Information Quarterly 25 (4), 645-668, 2008
Marching in-step: Facilitating technological transitions through climate consensus
TE Rizzuto, S Mohammed, RJ Vance
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (1), 185-194, 2011
Underrepresented minority faculty in the USA face a double standard in promotion and tenure decisions
T Masters-Waage, C Spitzmueller, E Edema-Sillo, A St. Aubin, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 8 (11), 2107-2118, 2024
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مقالات 1–20