Olle Hellman
Olle Hellman
California Insitute of Technology
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Lattice dynamics of anharmonic solids from first principles
O Hellman, IA Abrikosov, SI Simak
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (18), 180301, 2011
Temperature dependent effective potential method for accurate free energy calculations of solids
O Hellman, P Steneteg, IA Abrikosov, SI Simak
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (10), 104111, 2013
Temperature-dependent effective third-order interatomic force constants from first principles
O Hellman, IA Abrikosov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (14), 144301, 2013
Phonon thermal transport in from first principles
O Hellman, DA Broido
Physical Review B 90 (13), 134309, 2014
Electron-Phonon Scattering in the Presence of Soft Modes and Electron Mobility in Perovskite from First Principles
JJ Zhou, O Hellman, M Bernardi
Physical review letters 121 (22), 226603, 2018
Phonon self-energy and origin of anomalous neutron scattering spectra in SnTe and PbTe thermoelectrics
CW Li, O Hellman, J Ma, AF May, HB Cao, X Chen, AD Christianson, ...
Physical review letters 112 (17), 175501, 2014
Intrinsic localized mode and low thermal conductivity of PbSe
N Shulumba, O Hellman, AJ Minnich
Physical Review B 95 (1), 014302, 2017
Thermal conductivity in PbTe from first principles
AH Romero, EKU Gross, MJ Verstraete, O Hellman
Physical Review B 91 (21), 214310, 2015
Anharmonicity and ultralow thermal conductivity in lead-free halide double perovskites
J Klarbring, O Hellman, IA Abrikosov, SI Simak
Physical review letters 125 (4), 045701, 2020
Two-step phase transition in SnSe and the origins of its high power factor from first principles
A Dewandre, O Hellman, S Bhattacharya, AH Romero, GKH Madsen, ...
Physical review letters 117 (27), 276601, 2016
Nuclear quantum effect with pure anharmonicity and the anomalous thermal expansion of silicon
DS Kim, O Hellman, J Herriman, HL Smith, JYY Lin, N Shulumba, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (9), 1992-1997, 2018
Dynamic and structural stability of cubic vanadium nitride
AB Mei, O Hellman, N Wireklint, CM Schlepütz, DG Sangiovanni, B Alling, ...
Physical Review B 91 (5), 054101, 2015
Temperature dependence of TiN elastic constants from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations
P Steneteg, O Hellman, OY Vekilova, N Shulumba, F Tasnádi, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (9), 094114, 2013
Lattice thermal conductivity of polyethylene molecular crystals from first-principles including nuclear quantum effects
N Shulumba, O Hellman, AJ Minnich
Physical review letters 119 (18), 185901, 2017
Lattice vibrations change the solid solubility of an alloy at high temperatures
N Shulumba, O Hellman, Z Raza, B Alling, J Barrirero, F Mücklich, ...
Physical review letters 117 (20), 205502, 2016
Thermodynamic modelling of crystalline unary phases
M Palumbo, B Burton, A Costa e Silva, B Fultz, B Grabowski, G Grimvall, ...
physica status solidi (b) 251 (1), 14-32, 2014
Intrinsic anharmonic localization in thermoelectric PbSe
ME Manley, O Hellman, N Shulumba, AF May, PJ Stonaha, JW Lynn, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1928, 2019
Temperature-dependent elastic properties of Ti1− xAlxN alloys
N Shulumba, O Hellman, L Rogström, Z Raza, F Tasnádi, IA Abrikosov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 107 (23), 2015
The origin of the lattice thermal conductivity enhancement at the ferroelectric phase transition in GeTe
Đ Dangić, O Hellman, S Fahy, I Savić
npj Computational Materials 7 (1), 57, 2021
Vibrational free energy and phase stability of paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic CrN from ab initio molecular dynamics
N Shulumba, B Alling, O Hellman, E Mozafari, P Steneteg, M Odén, ...
Physical Review B 89 (17), 174108, 2014
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مقالات 1–20