elena MASALA
elena MASALA
LINKS Foundation
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Integrating multicriteria evaluation and data visualization as a problem structuring approach to support territorial transformation projects
IM Lami, F Abastante, M Bottero, E Masala, S Pensa
EURO Journal on Decision Processes 2 (3-4), 281-312, 2014
Supporting planning processes by the use of dynamic visualisation
S Pensa, E Masala, IM Lami
Planning support systems for sustainable urban development, 451-467, 2013
Analytic network process (ANP) and visualization of spatial data: the use of dynamic maps in territorial transformation processes
IM Lami, E Masala, S Pensa
International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process 3 (2), 2011
Planning local public transport: a visual support to decision-making
S Pensa, E Masala, M Arnone, A Rosa
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 111, 596-603, 2014
InViTo: An Interactive Visualisation Tool to Support Spatial Decision Processes
S Pensa, E Masala
Technologies for Urban and Spatial Planning: Virtual Cities and Territories …, 2013
Seeing is knowing: data exploration as a support to planning
S Pensa, E Masala, I Lami, A Rosa
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering 167 (5), 3-8, 2014
Tecnologias de geoinformação para representar e planejar o território urbano
ACM Moura, B MagalhãescFonseca, M Zyngier, CAD Júnior, E Masala, ...
Editora Interciência, 2016
From 3D building information modeling towards 5D city information modeling
M Stavric, O Marina, E Masala, B Karanakov
3D Issues in Urban and Enviromental Systems. Bolonha, Itália: Esculapio, 2012
Urbanlab–generative platform for urban and regional design
L Caneparo, F Guerra, E Masala
Progress in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban …, 2006
From the smart city to the people-friendly city: usability of tools and data in urban planning
G Melis, E Masala, M Tabasso
Handbook of Research on Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability …, 2015
The process of sharing information in a sustainable development perspective: a web visual tool
F Abastante, S Pensa, E Masala
Values and functions for future cities, 339-350, 2020
The effects of decision-making on urban form: a tool for supporting planning processes
S Pensa, E Masala, C Marietta
International Conference Virtual City and Territory (7è: 2011: Lisboa), 41-44, 2011
Considerations on the use of visual tools in planning processes: a Brazilian experience
C Zyngier, S Pensa, E Masala
TeMA-Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 2014
Analytic network process, interactive maps and strategic assessment: the evaluation of Corridor24 alternative development strategies
F Abastante, F Günther, IM Lami, E Masala, S Pensa, I Tosoni
Analytical decision-making methods for evaluating sustainable transport in …, 2014
O papel da visualização no planejamento urbano: uma abordagem a partir dos conceitos por trás da imagem especial
E Masala, S Pensa
Tecnologias de geoinformação para representar e planejar o território urbano …, 2016
Handbook SALUTE4CE: handbook on urban environmental acupuncture
A Starzewska-Sikorska, B Vojvodíková, J Mathey, M Tabasso, L Trząski, ...
VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2022
Visualisation as a support to spatial decision processes: some considerations on the concepts behind the construction of a strategy image
E Masala
Interactive Visualization Tool for brownfield redevelopment-A European …, 2014
Interactive model of urban development in residential areas in Skopje
O Marina, E Masala, S Pensa, M Stavric
Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City Models–European COST Action TU0801 …, 2012
What if form follows function? The exploration of suitability in the city of Skopje
S Pensa, E Masala, O Marina
Disegnare Con 6 (11), 141-148, 2013
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis and visualization of spatial data. An application to a Corridor 24 section.
I Lami, E Masala, S Pensa
Titolo volume non avvalorato, 2011
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مقالات 1–20