Claudio Di Prisco
Claudio Di Prisco
Department of structural engineering Politecnico di Milano
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على polimi.it
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Experimental and numerical analysis of soil–pipe interaction
F Calvetti, C Di Prisco, R Nova
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 130 (12), 1292-1299, 2004
Experimental study on the water-induced weakening of calcarenites
MO Ciantia, R Castellanza, C Di Prisco
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48, 441-461, 2015
On slope instability induced by seepage erosion
G Crosta, C Prisco
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 36 (6), 1056-1073, 1999
Chasing a complete understanding of the triggering mechanisms of a large rapidly evolving rockslide
GB Crosta, C Di Prisco, P Frattini, G Frigerio, R Castellanza, F Agliardi
Landslides 11, 747-764, 2014
Time dependent mechanical behaviour of loose sands
C di Prisco, S Imposimato
Mechanics of Cohesive‐frictional Materials: An International Journal on …, 1996
Theoretical investigation of the undrained stability of shallow submerged slopes
C Prisco, R Matiotti, R Nova
Géotechnique 45 (3), 479-496, 1995
DEM assessment of impact forces of dry granular masses on rigid barriers
F Calvetti, CG Di Prisco, E Vairaktaris
Acta Geotechnica 12, 129-144, 2017
Mechanical modelling of drained creep triaxial tests on loose sand
C Di Prisco, S Imposimato, I Vardoulakis
Geotechnique 50 (1), 73-82, 2000
Soil–pipeline interaction along unstable slopes: a coupled three-dimensional approach. Part 1: Theoretical formulation
G Cocchetti, C di Prisco, A Galli, R Nova
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 46 (11), 1289-1304, 2009
Experimental and numerical study of rock-fall impacts on granular soils
F Calvetti, C Prisco, M Vecchiotti
Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica 4 (4), 95-109, 2005
A rheological model for the description of boulder impacts on granular strata
C Di Prisco, M Vecchiotti
Geotechnique 56 (7), 469-482, 2006
Controllability, uniqueness and existence of the incremental response: A mathematical criterion for elastoplastic constitutive laws
G Buscarnera, G Dattola, C Di Prisco
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (13), 1867-1878, 2011
Displacement-based design procedure for slope-stabilizing piles
A Galli, C Di Prisco
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 50 (1), 41-53, 2013
Impact forces of granular flows on rigid structures: comparison between discontinuous (DEM) and continuous (MPM) numerical approaches
F Ceccato, I Redaelli, C di Prisco, P Simonini
Computers and Geotechnics 103, 201-217, 2018
A visco‐plastic constitutive model for granular soils modified according to non‐local and gradient approaches
C Di Prisco, S Imposimato, EC Aifantis
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2002
A mixed isotropic-kinematic hardening constitutive law for sand
CG DI PRISCO, R Nova, J Lanier
Modern approaches to plasticity, 83-124, 1993
Non-linear soil–structure interaction in disconnected piled raft foundations
F Tradigo, F Pisanò, C Di Prisco, A Mussi
Computers and Geotechnics 63, 121-134, 2015
Experimental analysis and theoretical interpretation of triaxial load controlled loose sand specimen collapses
C di Prisco, S Imposimato
Mechanics of Cohesive‐frictional Materials: An International Journal on …, 1997
A constitutive model for soil reinforced by continuous threads
C di Prisco, R Nova
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 12 (2), 161-178, 1993
Constitutive relations for steady, dense granular flows
D Berzi, CG di Prisco, D Vescovi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (3 …, 2011
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مقالات 1–20