Mail and Internet surveys: The tailored design method--2007 Update with new Internet, visual, and mixed-mode guide DA Dillman John Wiley & Sons, 2011 | 28846 | 2011 |
Mail and telephone surveys: The total design method DA Dillman Wiley 19, 375, 1978 | 21858 | 1978 |
Internet, phone, mail, and mixed-mode surveys: The tailored design method DA Dillman, JD Smyth, LM Christian John Wiley & Sons, 2014 | 18302 | 2014 |
How to conduct your own survey P Salant, DA Dillman (No Title), 1994 | 5135 | 1994 |
The design and administration of mail surveys DA Dillman Annual review of sociology 17 (1), 225-249, 1991 | 2308 | 1991 |
Development of a standard e-mail methodology: Results of an experiment DR Schaefer, DA Dillman Public opinion quarterly, 378-397, 1998 | 1754 | 1998 |
Response rate and measurement differences in mixed-mode surveys using mail, telephone, interactive voice response (IVR) and the Internet DA Dillman, G Phelps, R Tortora, K Swift, J Kohrell, J Berck, BL Messer Social science research 38 (1), 1-18, 2009 | 1355 | 2009 |
International handbook of survey methodology ED De Leeuw, J Hox, D Dillman Routledge, 2012 | 1257 | 2012 |
The web questionnaire challenge to survey methodologists DA Dillman, DK Bowker Online social sciences 7, 53-71, 2001 | 847 | 2001 |
Research synthesis: AAPOR report on online panels Prepared for the AAPOR Executive Council by a Task Force operating under the ... Public Opinion Quarterly 74 (4), 711-781, 2010 | 810 | 2010 |
Improving response to web and mixed-mode surveys MM Millar, DA Dillman Public opinion quarterly 75 (2), 249-269, 2011 | 723 | 2011 |
Mail and other self-administered questionnaires D DA Handbook for survey research, 359-377, 1983 | 706 | 1983 |
Principles for constructing web surveys DA Dillman, RD Tortora, D Bowker Joint Meetings of the American Statistical Association 64 (1), 1-16, 1998 | 672 | 1998 |
Effects of questionnaire length, respondent-friendly design, and a difficult question on response rates for occupant-addressed census mail surveys DA Dillman, MD Sinclair, JR Clark Public opinion quarterly 57 (3), 289-304, 1993 | 585 | 1993 |
A. 1978. Mail and telephone surveys: the total design method D Dillman New York, Wley, 1978 | 453 | 1978 |
Mail and Internet surveys: The tailored design method--2007 Update with new Internet, visual, and mixed-mode guide DA Dillman John Wiley & Sons, 2011 | 440* | 2011 |
Survey mode as a source of instability in responses across surveys DA Dillman, LM Christian Field methods 17 (1), 30-52, 2005 | 421 | 2005 |
How urban residents rate and rank the benefits and problems associated with trees in cities VI Lohr, CH Pearson-Mims, J Tarnai, DA Dillman Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) 30 (1), 28-35, 2004 | 400 | 2004 |
Open-ended questions in web surveys: Can increasing the size of answer boxes and providing extra verbal instructions improve response quality? JD Smyth, DA Dillman, LM Christian, M McBride Public Opinion Quarterly 73 (2), 325-337, 2009 | 387 | 2009 |
Towards a theory of self-administered questionnaire design CR Jenkins, DA Dillman Bureau of the Census, 1995 | 384 | 1995 |