Todd A. Crane
Todd A. Crane
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Fielding climate change in cultural anthropology
C Roncoli, T Crane, B Orlove
Anthropology Climate Change From Encounters to Actions, 87-115, 2009
Of Models and Meanings: Cultural Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems
TA Crane
Ecology and Society 15 (4), 19, 2010
Adaptation to climate change and climate variability: The importance of understanding agriculture as performance
TA Crane, C Roncoli, G Hoogenboom
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 2011
Forecast Skill and Farmers' Skills: Seasonal Climate Forecasts and Agricultural Risk Management in the Southeastern United States
TA Crane, C Roncoli, J Paz, N Breuer, K Broad, KT Ingram, ...
Weather, Climate, and Society 2 (1), 44-59, 2010
The social distribution of provisioning forest ecosystem services: Evidence and insights from Odisha, India
RP Lakerveld, S Lele, TA Crane, KPJ Fortuin, O Springate-Baginski
Ecosystem services 14, 56-66, 2015
Handling multi-functionality of livestock in a life cycle assessment: the case of smallholder dairying in Kenya
V Weiler, HMJ Udo, T Viets, TA Crane, IJM De Boer
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 8, 29-38, 2014
Co-production of knowledge in multi-stakeholder processes: analyzing joint experimentation as social learning
E Akpo, TA Crane, PV Vissoh, RC Tossou
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 21 (4), 369-388, 2015
Gender power in Kenyan dairy: cows, commodities, and commercialization
K Tavenner, TA Crane
Agriculture and Human Values 35 (3), 701-715, 2018
Constraining and enabling factors to using long-term climate information in decision-making
L Jones, C Champalle, S Chesterman, L Cramer, TA Crane
Climate Policy 17 (5), 551-572, 2017
Soil information in support of policy making and awareness raising
J Bouma, G Broll, TA Crane, O Dewitte, C Gardi, RPO Schulte, W Towers
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4 (5), 552-558, 2012
Climate information and agricultural practice in adaptation to climate variability: the case of climate field schools in Indramayu, Indonesia
PR Siregar, TA Crane
Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 33 (2), 55-69, 2011
Livestock sustainability research in Africa with a focus on the environment
M Balehegn, E Kebreab, A Tolera, S Hunt, P Erickson, TA Crane, ...
Animal Frontiers 11 (4), 47-56, 2021
Bringing science and technology studies into agricultural anthropology: Technology development as cultural encounter between farmers and researchers
TA Crane
Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 36 (1), 45-55, 2014
What does an inventory of recent innovation experiences tell us about agricultural innovation in Africa?
B Triomphe, A Floquet, G Kamau, B Letty, SD Vodouhe, T Ng'ang'a, ...
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 19 (3), 311-324, 2013
Beyond “women and youth”: Applying intersectionality in agricultural research for development
K Tavenner, TA Crane
Outlook on Agriculture 48 (4), 316-325, 2019
Governance of food systems across scales in times of social-ecological change: a review of indicators
A Delaney, T Evans, J McGreevy, J Blekking, T Schlachter, ...
Food Security 10, 287-310, 2018
A systematic review of local vulnerability to climate change in developing country agriculture
TA Crane, A Delaney, PA Tamás, S Chesterman, P Ericksen
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 8 (4), e464, 2017
Value chain analysis of grass seeds in the drylands of Baringo County, Kenya: A producers’ perspective
KO Lugusa, OV Wasonga, YA Elhadi, TA Crane
Pastoralism 6, 1-15, 2016
Beyond the “fit”: introducing climate forecasts among organic farmers in Georgia (United States)
C Furman, C Roncoli, T Crane, G Hoogenboom
Climatic Change 109, 791-799, 2011
Social differentiation in climate change adaptation: One community, multiple pathways in transitioning Kenyan pastoralism
T Wairimu Ng’ang’a, TA Crane
Environmental Science & Policy 114, 478-485, 2020
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مقالات 1–20