Chemical Heterogeneities on La0.6 Sr0.4 CoO3−δ Thin FilmsCorrelations to Cathode Surface Activity and Stability Z Cai, M Kubicek, J Fleig, B Yildiz
Chemistry of materials 24 (6), 1116-1127, 2012
385 2012 Perovskite oxides–a review on a versatile material class for solar-to-fuel conversion processes M Kubicek, AH Bork, JLM Rupp
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (24), 11983-12000, 2017
317 2017 Tensile Lattice Strain Accelerates Oxygen Surface Exchange and Diffusion in La1–x Srx CoO3−δ Thin Films M Kubicek, Z Cai, W Ma, B Yildiz, H Hutter, J Fleig
ACS nano 7 (4), 3276-3286, 2013
281 2013 Relationship between cation segregation and the electrochemical oxygen reduction kinetics of La0. 6Sr0. 4CoO3− δ thin film electrodes M Kubicek, A Limbeck, T Frömling, H Hutter, J Fleig
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 158 (6), B727, 2011
261 2011 How does moisture affect the physical property of memristance for anionic–electronic resistive switching memories? F Messerschmitt, M Kubicek, JLM Rupp
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (32), 5117-5125, 2015
186 2015 Surface Chemistry of Perovskite-Type Electrodes During High Temperature CO2 Electrolysis Investigated by Operando Photoelectron Spectroscopy AK Opitz, A Nenning, C Rameshan, M Kubicek, T Götsch, R Blume, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (41), 35847-35860, 2017
162 2017 Perovskite La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Cr 1− x Co x O 3− δ solid solutions for solar-thermochemical fuel production: strategies to lower the operation temperature AH Bork, M Kubicek, M Struzik, JLM Rupp
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (30), 15546-15557, 2015
156 2015 Cation diffusion in La 0.6 Sr 0.4 CoO 3− δ below 800 C and its relevance for Sr segregation M Kubicek, GM Rupp, S Huber, A Penn, AK Opitz, J Bernardi, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (6), 2715-2726, 2014
148 2014 Memristor Kinetics and Diffusion Characteristics for Mixed Anionic‐Electronic SrTiO3‐δ Bits: The Memristor‐Based Cottrell Analysis Connecting Material to Device … F Messerschmitt, M Kubicek, S Schweiger, JLM Rupp
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (47), 7448-7460, 2014
122 2014 A novel ToF-SIMS operation mode for sub 100 nm lateral resolution: Application and performance M Kubicek, G Holzlechner, AK Opitz, S Larisegger, H Hutter, J Fleig
Applied surface science 289, 407-416, 2014
115 2014 A microdot multilayer oxide device: let us tune the strain-ionic transport interaction S Schweiger, M Kubicek, F Messerschmitt, C Murer, JLM Rupp
ACS nano 8 (5), 5032-5048, 2014
105 2014 The Chemical Evolution of the La0.6 Sr0.4 CoO3−δ Surface Under SOFC Operating Conditions and Its Implications for Electrochemical Oxygen Exchange Activity AK Opitz, C Rameshan, M Kubicek, GM Rupp, A Nenning, T Götsch, ...
Topics in catalysis 61, 2129-2141, 2018
104 2018 Uncovering two competing switching mechanisms for epitaxial and ultrathin strontium titanate-based resistive switching bits M Kubicek, R Schmitt, F Messerschmitt, JLM Rupp
ACS nano 9 (11), 10737-10748, 2015
98 2015 Oxygen vacancies in fast lithium-ion conducting garnets M Kubicek, A Wachter-Welzl, D Rettenwander, R Wagner, S Berendts, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (17), 7189-7196, 2017
92 2017 Bulk and surface characterization of In O (001) single crystals DR Hagleitner, M Menhart, P Jacobson, S Blomberg, K Schulte, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (11), 115441, 2012
92 2012 Correlating surface cation composition and thin film microstructure with the electrochemical performance of lanthanum strontium cobaltite (LSC) electrodes GM Rupp, A Limbeck, M Kubicek, A Penn, M Stöger-Pollach, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (19), 7099-7108, 2014
74 2014 Accelerated ionic motion in amorphous memristor oxides for nonvolatile memories and neuromorphic computing R Schmitt, M Kubicek, E Sediva, M Trassin, MC Weber, A Rossi, H Hutter, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (5), 1804782, 2019
73 2019 Influence of surface atomic structure demonstrated on oxygen incorporation mechanism at a model perovskite oxide M Riva, M Kubicek, X Hao, G Franceschi, S Gerhold, M Schmid, H Hutter, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 3710, 2018
73 2018 A novel ToF-SIMS operation mode for improved accuracy and lateral resolution of oxygen isotope measurements on oxides G Holzlechner, M Kubicek, H Hutter, J Fleig
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 28 (7), 1080-1089, 2013
72 2013 Investigation of the oxygen exchange mechanism on Pt| yttria stabilized zirconia at intermediate temperatures: Surface path versus bulk path AK Opitz, A Lutz, M Kubicek, F Kubel, H Hutter, J Fleig
Electrochimica Acta 56 (27), 9727-9740, 2011
71 2011