Christopher S Browning
Christopher S Browning
Reader of International Security, University of Warwick
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على warwick.ac.uk
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The Future of Critical Security Studies: Ethics and the Politics of Security
CS Browning, M McDonald
European Journal of International Relations 19 (2), 235-255, 2013
Branding Nordicity: Models, identity and the decline of exceptionalism
CS Browning
Cooperation and conflict 42 (1), 27-51, 2007
Ontological security, self-articulation and the securitization of identity
CS Browning, P Joenniemi
Cooperation and conflict 52 (1), 31-47, 2017
Geostrategies of the European neighbourhood policy
CS Browning, P Joenniemi
European journal of international relations 14 (3), 519-551, 2008
Small, smart and salient? Rethinking identity in the small states literature
CS Browning
Cambridge review of international affairs 19 (4), 669-684, 2006
Nation branding, national self-esteem, and the constitution of subjectivity in late modernity
CS Browning
Foreign Policy Analysis 11 (2), 195-214, 2015
Constructivism, narrative and foreign policy analysis: A case study of Finland
CS Browning
Peter Lang, 2008
Brexit populism and fantasies of fulfilment
CS Browning
Ontological Insecurities and the Politics of Contemporary Populism, 9-31, 2023
The region-building approach revisited: The continued othering of Russia in discourses of region-building in the European North
CS Browning
Geopolitics 8 (1), 45-71, 2003
Brexit, existential anxiety and ontological (in) security
CS Browning
Ontological Insecurity in the European Union, 88-107, 2020
Geostrategies, geopolitics and ontological security in the Eastern neighbourhood: The European Union and the ‘new Cold War’
CS Browning
Political geography 62, 106-115, 2018
The constitutive power of outsiders: The European neighbourhood policy and the eastern dimension
CS Browning, G Christou
Political geography 29 (2), 109-118, 2010
Coming Home or Moving Home? Westernizing'Narratives in Finnish Foreign Policy and the Reinterpretation of Past Identities
CS Browning
Cooperation and Conflict 37 (1), 47-72, 2002
From fratricide to security community: re-theorising difference in the constitution of Nordic peace
CS Browning, P Joenniemi
Journal of international relations and development 16, 483-513, 2013
Introduction: Nation branding and competitive identity in world politics
CS Browning, A Ferraz de Oliveira
Geopolitics 22 (3), 481-501, 2017
The internal/external security paradox and the reconstruction of boundaries in the Baltic: The case of Kaliningrad
CS Browning
Alternatives 28 (5), 545-581, 2003
The European Union’s two dimensions: The eastern and the northern
CS Browning, P Joenniemi
Security dialogue 34 (4), 463-478, 2003
Regionality beyond security? The Baltic Sea region after enlargement
CS Browning, P Joenniemi
Cooperation and Conflict 39 (3), 233-253, 2004
Je suis en terrasse”: Political Violence, Civilizational Politics, and the Everyday Courage to Be
CS Browning
Political psychology 39 (2), 243-261, 2018
Contending discourses of marginality: The case of Kaliningrad
CS Browning, P Joenniemi
Geopolitics 9 (3), 699-730, 2004
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مقالات 1–20