Alexandre de Spindler
Alexandre de Spindler
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Spatio-temporal proximity as a basis for collaborative filtering in mobile environments
A De Spindler, MC Norrie, M Grossniklaus, B Signer
Battery-efficient transportation mode detection on mobile devices
A Bloch, R Erdin, S Meyer, T Keller, A De Spindler
2015 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management 1, 185-190, 2015
Semantic data management for db4o
MC Norrie, M Grossniklaus, C Decurtins, A de Spindler, A Vancea, ...
Collaborative filtering based on opportunistic information sharing in mobile ad-hoc networks
A De Spindler, MC Norrie, M Grossniklaus
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2007
Integrating component-based web engineering into content management systems
S Leone, A De Spindler, MC Norrie, D McLeod
Web Engineering: 13th International Conference, ICWE 2013, Aalborg, Denmark …, 2013
Dynamic metamodel extension modules to support adaptive data management
M Grossniklaus, S Leone, A De Spindler, MC Norrie
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 22nd International Conference …, 2010
A meta-plugin for bespoke data management in wordpress
S Leone, A de Spindler, MC Norrie
Web Information Systems Engineering-WISE 2012: 13th International Conference …, 2012
Recommendation based on opportunistic information sharing between tourists
A De Spindler, MC Norrie, M Grossniklaus
Information Technology & Tourism 10 (4), 297-311, 2008
Using synchronised tag clouds for browsing data collections
A de Spindler, S Leone, M Nebeling, M Geel, MC Norrie
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 23rd International Conference …, 2011
Development framework for mobile social applications
A de Spindler, M Grossniklaus, MC Norrie
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 21st International Conference …, 2009
Information sharing modalities for mobile ad-hoc networks
A de Spindler, M Grossniklaus, C Lins, MC Norrie
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2009: Confederated …, 2009
Synchronising personal data with web 2.0 data sources
S Leone, M Grossniklaus, A De Spindler, MC Norrie
International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, 411-418, 2010
Using tag clouds to promote community awareness in research environments
A De Spindler, S Leone, M Geel, MC Norrie
Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: 7th International …, 2010
Unified event model for object databases
M Grossniklaus, S Leone, A de Spindler, MC Norrie
Object Databases: Second International Conference, ICOODB 2009, Zurich …, 2010
Divide et Impera: Multi-Transformer Architectures for Complex NLP-Tasks
S Helland, E Gavagnin, A de Spindler
SwissText Swisss Text Analytics Converence, 2023
A flexible object model and algebra for uniform access to object databases
M Grossniklaus, A de Spindler, C Zimmerli, MC Norrie
Objects and Databases: Third International Conference, ICOODB 2010 …, 2010
From Static Methods to Role-Driven Service Invocation–A Metamodel for Active Content in Object Databases
S Leone, MC Norrie, B Signer, A De Spindler
Conceptual Modeling-ER 2009: 28th International Conference on Conceptual …, 2009
Closing the loop for patients with chronic diseases-from problems to a solution architecture
A Färber, A de Spindler, A Moser, G Schwabe
2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI …, 2023
Model-driven composition of information systems from shared components and connectors
S Leone, A de Spindler, D McLeod
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Conferences …, 2013
A Collection-Oriented Application Framework for Mobile Information Systems
A de Spindler
ETH Zurich, 2010
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مقالات 1–20