Tamás Haraszti
Tamás Haraszti
project leader at the DWI Leibniz Institute of Interactive Materials
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على dwi.rwth-aachen.de
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Mechanism of and defect formation in the self-assembly of polymeric polycation− montmorillonite ultrathin films
NA Kotov, T Haraszti, L Turi, G Zavala, RE Geer, I Dekany, JH Fendler
Journal of the American Chemical Society 119 (29), 6821-6832, 1997
An injectable hybrid hydrogel with oriented short fibers induces unidirectional growth of functional nerve cells
A Omidinia‐Anarkoli, S Boesveld, U Tuvshindorj, JC Rose, T Haraszti, ...
small 13 (36), 1702207, 2017
Biofunctionalized aligned microgels provide 3D cell guidance to mimic complex tissue matrices
JC Rose, DB Gehlen, T Haraszti, J Köhler, CJ Licht, L De Laporte
Biomaterials 163, 128-141, 2018
Nanoscale control of surface immobilized BMP-2: toward a quantitative assessment of BMP-mediated signaling events
EH Schwab, TLM Pohl, T Haraszti, GK Schwaerzer, C Hiepen, JP Spatz, ...
Nano letters 15 (3), 1526-1534, 2015
Diffusion and interaction in PEG-DA hydrogels
V Hagel, T Haraszti, H Boehm
Biointerphases 8 (1), 2013
Substrate engagement of integrins α5β1 and αvβ3 is necessary, but not sufficient, for high directional persistence in migration on fibronectin
D Missirlis, T Haraszti, CC Scheele, T Wiegand, C Diaz, S Neubauer, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23258, 2016
Cellular responses to beating hydrogels to investigate mechanotransduction
Y Chandorkar, A Castro Nava, S Schweizerhof, M Van Dongen, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4027, 2019
A layer-by-layer single-cell coating technique to produce injectable beating mini heart tissues via microfluidics
LPB Guerzoni, Y Tsukamoto, DB Gehlen, D Rommel, T Haraszti, M Akashi, ...
Biomacromolecules 20 (10), 3746-3754, 2019
Synthetic 3D PEG-anisogel tailored with fibronectin fragments induce aligned nerve extension
C Licht, JC Rose, AO Anarkoli, D Blondel, M Roccio, T Haraszti, ...
Biomacromolecules 20 (11), 4075-4087, 2019
Compartmentalized Jet Polymerization as a High‐Resolution Process to Continuously Produce Anisometric Microgel Rods with Adjustable Size and Stiffness
AJD Krüger, O Bakirman, LPB Guerzoni, A Jans, DB Gehlen, D Rommel, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (49), 1903668, 2019
Cell encapsulation in soft, anisometric poly (ethylene) glycol microgels using a novel radical‐free microfluidic system
LPB Guerzoni, JC Rose, DB Gehlen, A Jans, T Haraszti, M Wessling, ...
Small 15 (20), 1900692, 2019
Fibronectin promotes directional persistence in fibroblast migration through interactions with both its cell-binding and heparin-binding domains
D Missirlis, T Haraszti, H Kessler, JP Spatz
Scientific reports 7 (1), 3711, 2017
Functionalized microgel rods interlinked into soft macroporous structures for 3D cell culture
D Rommel, M Mork, S Vedaraman, C Bastard, LPB Guerzoni, Y Kittel, ...
Advanced Science 9 (10), 2103554, 2022
Membrane-mimetic dendrimersomes engulf living bacteria via endocytosis
NY Kostina, K Rahimi, Q Xiao, T Haraszti, S Dedisch, JP Spatz, ...
Nano Letters 19 (8), 5732-5738, 2019
Nanoscale arrangement of apoptotic ligands reveals a demand for a minimal lateral distance for efficient death receptor activation
J Ranzinger, A Krippner-Heidenreich, T Haraszti, E Bock, J Tepperink, ...
Nano letters 9 (12), 4240-4245, 2009
Solvent-induced nanotopographies of single microfibers regulate cell mechanotransduction
A Omidinia-Anarkoli, R Rimal, Y Chandorkar, DB Gehlen, JC Rose, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (8), 7671-7685, 2019
Optical force sensor array in a microfluidic device based on holographic optical tweezers
K Uhrig, R Kurre, C Schmitz, JE Curtis, T Haraszti, AEM Clemen, JP Spatz
Lab on a Chip 9 (5), 661-668, 2009
A Quantitative 3D Motility Analysis of Trypanosoma brucei by Use of Digital In-line Holographic Microscopy
S Weiße, N Heddergott, M Heydt, D Pflästerer, T Maier, T Haraszti, ...
PloS one 7 (5), e37296, 2012
Annealing high aspect ratio microgels into macroporous 3D scaffolds allows for higher porosities and effective cell migration
AC Suturin, AJD Krüger, K Neidig, N Klos, N Dolfen, M Bund, ...
Advanced Healthcare Materials 11 (24), 2200989, 2022
Measuring forces between two single actin filaments during bundle formation
M Streichfuss, F Erbs, K Uhrig, R Kurre, AEM Clemen, CHJ Böhm, ...
Nano letters 11 (9), 3676-3680, 2011
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مقالات 1–20