Ana Maria de Paula
Ana Maria de Paula
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Observation of intense second harmonic generation from MoS_ {2} atomic crystals
LM Malard, TV Alencar, APM Barboza, KF Mak, AM de Paula
Physical Review B 87 (20), 201401, 2013
Chemokines and mitochondrial products activate neutrophils to amplify organ injury during mouse acute liver failure
PE Marques, SS Amaral, DA Pires, LL Nogueira, FM Soriani, BHF Lima, ...
Hepatology 56 (5), 1971-1982, 2012
The endocannabinoid system mediates aerobic exercise-induced antinociception in rats
G Galdino, TRL Romero, JFP Silva, DC Aguiar, AM de Paula, JS Cruz, ...
Neuropharmacology 77, 313-324, 2014
Acute resistance exercise induces antinociception by activation of the endocannabinoid system in rats
G Galdino, T Romero, JFP da Silva, D Aguiar, AM de Paula, J Cruz, ...
Anesthesia and analgesia 119 (3), 702, 2014
Size effects on the phonon spectra of quantum dots in CdTe‐doped glasses
AM De Paula, LC Barbosa, CHB Cruz, OL Alves, JA Sanjurjo, CL Cesar
Applied physics letters 69 (3), 357-359, 1996
Observation of the Sub-100 Femtosecond Population of a Dark State in a Thiobase Mediating Intersystem Crossing
R Borrego-Varillas, DC Teles-Ferreira, A Nenov, I Conti, L Ganzer, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (47), 16087-16093, 2018
A model of DENV-3 infection that recapitulates severe disease and highlights the importance of IFN-γ in host resistance to infection
VV Costa, CT Fagundes, DF Valadão, D Cisalpino, ACF Dias, KD Silveira, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 6 (5), e1663, 2012
Soft-x-ray wavelength shift induced by ionization effects in a capillary
CA Froud, ET Rogers, DC Hanna, WS Brocklesby, M Praeger, ...
Optics letters 31 (3), 374-376, 2006
Mitochondrial calcium regulates rat liver regeneration through the modulation of apoptosis
MT Guerra, EA Fonseca, FM Melo, VA Andrade, CJ Aguiar, LM Andrade, ...
Hepatology 54 (1), 296-306, 2011
Hyperspectral imaging with a TWINS birefringent interferometer
A Perri, BEN de Faria, DCT Ferreira, D Comelli, G Valentini, F Preda, ...
Optics Express 27 (11), 15956-15967, 2019
Synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy of< i> Ln</i>< sub> 3</sub> NbO< sub> 7</sub>(< i> Ln</i>= La, Pr, Nd, Sm-Lu) ceramics obtained by molten-salt synthesis
KPF Siqueira, JC Soares, E Granado, EM Bittar, AM de Paula, RL Moreira, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 209, 63-68, 2014
Electron-LO-phonon scattering rates in GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells
G Weber, AM De Paula, JF Ryan
Semiconductor Science and Technology 6 (5), 397, 1991
The Spermatogonial Stem Cell Niche in the Collared Peccary (Tayassu tajacu) 1
PHA Campos-Junior, GMJ Costa, SMSN Lacerda, JV Rezende-Neto, ...
Biology of Reproduction 86 (5), 2012
Probing of the quantum dot size distribution in CdTe‐doped glasses by photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy
CRM De Oliveira, AM De Paula, FO Plentz Filho, JAM Neto, LC Barbosa, ...
Applied physics letters 66 (4), 439-441, 1995
Crystal-oriented wrinkles with origami-type junctions in few-layer hexagonal boron nitride
CK Oliveira, EFA Gomes, MC Prado, TV Alencar, R Nascimento, ...
Nano Research 8, 1680-1688, 2015
Defect-Induced Supercollision Cooling of Photoexcited Carriers in Graphene
TV Alencar, MG Silva, LM Malard, AM de Paula
Nano letters 14 (10), 5621-5624, 2014
PbTe quantum dot doped glasses with absorption edge in the 1.5 µm wavelength region
VCS Reynoso, AM De Paula, RF Cuevas, JAM Neto, OL Alves, CL Cesar, ...
Electronics letters 31 (12), 1013-1015, 1995
Nonlinear Dark-Field Imaging of One-Dimensional Defects in Monolayer Dichalcogenides
BR Carvalho, Y Wang, K Fujisawa, T Zhang, E Kahn, I Bilgin, PM Ajayan, ...
Nano letters 20 (1), 284-291, 2019
Quantum confinement effects on the optical phonons of CdTe quantum dots
AM De Paula, LC Barbosa, CHB Cruz, OL Alves, JA Sanjurjo, CL Cesar
Superlattices and microstructures 23 (5), 1103-1106, 1998
Membrane Cholesterol Regulates Lysosome-Plasma Membrane Fusion Events and Modulates Trypanosoma cruzi Invasion of Host Cells
B Hissa, JG Duarte, LF Kelles, FP Santos, HL Del Puerto, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 6 (3), e1583, 2012
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مقالات 1–20