Stefan Grosskinsky
Stefan Grosskinsky
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Condensation in the zero range process: stationary and dynamical properties
S Großkinsky, GM Schütz, H Spohn
Journal of statistical physics 113, 389-410, 2003
Condensation in the inclusion process and related models
S Grosskinsky, F Redig, K Vafayi
Journal of Statistical Physics 142, 952-974, 2011
Do small worlds synchronize fastest?
C Grabow, SM Hill, S Grosskinsky, M Timme
Europhysics Letters 90 (4), 48002, 2010
Condensation in stochastic particle systems with stationary product measures
P Chleboun, S Grosskinsky
Journal of Statistical Physics 154, 432-465, 2014
Dynamics of condensation in the symmetric inclusion process
S Grosskinsky, F Redig, K Vafayi
Small-world network spectra in mean-field theory
C Grabow, S Grosskinsky, M Timme
Physical review letters 108 (21), 218701, 2012
Collective relaxation dynamics of small-world networks
C Grabow, S Grosskinsky, J Kurths, M Timme
Physical Review E 91 (5), 052815, 2015
Zero-range condensation at criticality
I Armendáriz, S Grosskinsky, M Loulakis
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 123 (9), 3466-3496, 2013
Discontinuous condensation transition and nonequivalence of ensembles in a zero-range process
S Grosskinsky, GM Schütz
Journal of statistical physics 132, 77-108, 2008
Stationary measures and hydrodynamics of zero range processes with several species of particles
S Großkinsky, H Spohn
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society 34, 489-507, 2003
Network representations of nonequilibrium steady states: Cycle decompositions, symmetries, and dominant paths
B Altaner, S Grosskinsky, S Herminghaus, L Katthän, M Timme, J Vollmer
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (4 …, 2012
Metastability in a condensing zero-range process in the thermodynamic limit
I Armendáriz, S Grosskinsky, M Loulakis
Probability Theory and Related Fields 169, 105-175, 2017
Finite size effects and metastability in zero-range condensation
P Chleboun, S Grosskinsky
Journal of Statistical Physics 140, 846-872, 2010
Lattice permutations and Poisson-Dirichlet distribution of cycle lengths
S Grosskinsky, AA Lovisolo, D Ueltschi
Journal of Statistical Physics 146 (6), 1105-1121, 2012
Speed of complex network synchronization
C Grabow, S Grosskinsky, M Timme
The European Physical Journal B 84, 613-626, 2011
Dynamics of condensation in the totally asymmetric inclusion process
J Cao, P Chleboun, S Grosskinsky
Journal of Statistical Physics 155, 523-543, 2014
Dynamical origin of spontaneous symmetry breaking in a field-driven nonequilibrium system
RD Willmann, GM Schütz, S Grosskinsky
Europhysics Letters 71 (4), 542, 2005
Phase transitions in nonequilibrium stochastic particle systems with local conservation laws
S Grosskinsky
Technische Universität München, 2004
Frequency-dependent fitness induces multistability in coevolutionary dynamics
H Arnoldt, M Timme, S Grosskinsky
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9 (77), 3387-3396, 2012
Structure of the condensed phase in the inclusion process
W Jatuviriyapornchai, P Chleboun, S Grosskinsky
Journal of Statistical Physics 178, 682-710, 2020
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مقالات 1–20