Scott  A. Smolka
Scott A. Smolka
Professor of Computer Science, Stony Brook University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Handbook of process algebra
JA Bergstra, A Ponse, SA Smolka
Elsevier Science, 2001
CCS expressions, finite state processes, and three problems of equivalence
PC Kanellakis, SA Smolka
Proceedings of the second annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed …, 1983
Reactive, generative, and stratified models of probabilistic processes
RJ VanGlabbeek, SA Smolka, B Steffen
Information and Computation 121 (1), 59-80, 1995
Algebraic reasoning for probabilistic concurrent systems
A Giacalone, CC Jou, SA Smolka
Department of Computer Science, SUNY, 1994
Efficient model checking using tabled resolution
Y Ramakrishna, C Ramakrishnan, I Ramakrishnan, S Smolka, T Swift, ...
Computer Aided Verification, 143-154, 1997
Interactive computation: The new paradigm
D Goldin, SA Smolka, P Wegner
Springer, 2006
Equivalences, congruences, and complete axiomatizations for probabilistic processes
CC Jou, S Smolka
CONCUR'90 Theories of Concurrency: Unification and Extension, 367-383, 1990
Monte carlo model checking
R Grosu, S Smolka
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 271-286, 2005
Axiomatizing probabilistic processes: ACP with generative probabilities
JA Bergstra, JCM Baeten, SA Smolka
Information and Computation 121 (2), 234-254, 1995
Composition and behaviors of probabilistic I/O automata
SH Wu, SA Smolka, EW Stark
Theoretical Computer Science 176 (1-2), 1-38, 1997
Model repair for probabilistic systems
E Bartocci, R Grosu, P Katsaros, C Ramakrishnan, S Smolka
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 326-340, 2011
Turing machines, transition systems, and interaction
DQ Goldin, SA Smolka, PC Attie, EL Sonderegger
Information and computation 194 (2), 101-128, 2004
Runtime verification with state estimation
S Stoller, E Bartocci, J Seyster, R Grosu, K Havelund, S Smolka, E Zadok
Runtime Verification, 193-207, 2012
Incremental model checking in the modal mu-calculus
O Sokolsky, S Smolka
Computer Aided Verification, 351-363, 1994
From cardiac cells to genetic regulatory networks
R Grosu, G Batt, F Fenton, J Glimm, C Le Guernic, S Smolka, E Bartocci
Computer Aided Verification, 396-411, 2011
A process calculus for mobile ad hoc networks
A Singh, CR Ramakrishnan, SA Smolka
Science of Computer Programming 75 (6), 440-469, 2010
Simple linear-time algorithms for minimal fixed points
X Liu, S Smolka
Automata, Languages and Programming, 53-66, 1998
Statistical model checking
A Legay, A Lukina, LM Traonouez, J Yang, SA Smolka, R Grosu
Computing and software science: state of the art and perspectives, 478-504, 2019
A compositional semantics for Statecharts using labeled transition systems
A Uselton, S Smolka
CONCUR'94: Concurrency Theory, 2-17, 1994
Strategic directions in concurrency research
R Cleaveland, SA Smolka
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 28 (4), 607-625, 1996
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مقالات 1–20