Seunghun Hong
Seunghun Hong
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
" Dip-pen" nanolithography
RD Piner, J Zhu, F Xu, S Hong, CA Mirkin
science 283 (5402), 661-663, 1999
Current-voltage characteristics of self-assembled monolayers by scanning tunneling microscopy
S Datta, W Tian, S Hong, R Reifenberger, JI Henderson, CP Kubiak
Physical Review Letters 79 (13), 2530, 1997
Enhanced differentiation of human neural stem cells into neurons on graphene
SY Park, J Park, SH Sim, MG Sung, KS Kim, BH Hong, S Hong
Advanced materials 23 (36), H263, 2011
Conductance Spectra of Molecular Wires
CPK W. Tian, S. Datta, S. Hong, R. Reifenberger, J. I. Henderson
Journal of Chemical Physics 109, 2874-2882, 1998
Multiple ink nanolithography: toward a multiple-pen nano-plotter
S Hong, J Zhu, CA Mirkin
Science 286 (5439), 523-525, 1999
Nanotube Electronics: A flexible approach to mobility
S Hong, S Myung
Nature nanotechnology 2 (4), 207, 2007
Large-scale assembly of carbon nanotubes
SG Rao, L Huang, W Setyawan, S Hong
Nature 425 (6953), 36-37, 2003
A nanoplotter with both parallel and serial writing capabilities
S Hong, CA Mirkin
Science 288 (5472), 1808-1811, 2000
Surface organization and nanopatterning of collagen by dip-pen nanolithography
DL Wilson, R Martin, S Hong, M Cronin-Golomb, CA Mirkin, DL Kaplan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (24), 13660-13664, 2001
Negative differential resistance in the scanning-tunneling spectroscopy of organic molecules
Y Xue, S Datta, S Hong, R Reifenberger, JI Henderson, CP Kubiak
Physical Review B 59 (12), R7852, 1999
Plasma nitric oxide concentrations and nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in coronary artery disease
Y Yoon, J Song, SH Hong, JQ Kim
Clinical chemistry 46 (10), 1626-1630, 2000
Arrays of Magnetic Nanoparticles Patterned via “Dip‐Pen” Nanolithography
X Liu, L Fu, S Hong, VP Dravid, CA Mirkin
Advanced Materials 14 (3), 231-234, 2002
Linker-free directed assembly of high-performance integrated devices based on nanotubes and nanowires
M Lee, J Im, BY Lee, S Myung, J Kang, L Huang, YK Kwon, S Hong
Nature nanotechnology 1 (1), 66-71, 2006
Oxygen environmental and passivation effects on molybdenum disulfide field effect transistors
W Park, J Park, J Jang, H Lee, H Jeong, K Cho, S Hong, T Lee
Nanotechnology 24 (9), 095202, 2013
Electric Stress-Induced Threshold Voltage Instability of Multilayer MoS2 Field Effect Transistors
K Cho, W Park, J Park, H Jeong, J Jang, TY Kim, WK Hong, S Hong, T Lee
ACS nano 7 (9), 7751-7758, 2013
Self assembly of molecules in dip-pen nanolithography: A diffusion model
MR J. Jang, S. Hong, G. Schatz
Journal of Chemical Physics 115, 2721-2729, 2001
A MEMS nanoplotter with high-density parallel dip-pennanolithography probe arrays
M Zhang, D Bullen, SW Chung, S Hong, KS Ryu, Z Fan, CA Mirkin, C Liu
Nanotechnology 13 (2), 212, 2002
Molecular conductance spectroscopy of conjugated, phenyl-based molecules on Au (111): the effect of end groups on molecular conduction
S Hong, R Reifenberger, W Tian, S Datta, JI Henderson, CP Kubiak
Superlattices and Microstructures 28 (4), 289-303, 2000
Development of single-stranded DNA aptamers for specific bisphenol A detection
M Jo, JY Ahn, J Lee, S Lee, SW Hong, JW Yoo, J Kang, P Dua, D Lee, ...
Oligonucleotides 21 (2), 85-91, 2011
Single-carbon-atomic-resolution detection of odorant molecules using a human olfactory receptor-based bioelectronic nose
TH Kim, SH Lee, J Lee, HS Song, EH Oh, TH Park, S Hong
Advanced Materials 21 (1), 91-94, 2009
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مقالات 1–20