Paul Hessburg
Paul Hessburg
University of Washington--SEFS & Oregon State University--Forestry
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Learning to coexist with wildfire
MA Moritz, E Batllori, RA Bradstock, AM Gill, J Handmer, PF Hessburg, ...
Nature 515 (7525), 58-66, 2014
Dry forests and wildland fires of the inland Northwest USA: contrasting the landscape ecology of the pre-settlement and modern eras
PF Hessburg, JK Agee, JF Franklin
Forest Ecology and management 211 (1-2), 117-139, 2005
An environmental narrative of inland northwest United States forests, 1800–2000
PF Hessburg, JK Agee
Forest Ecology and Management 178 (1-2), 23-59, 2003
The use of historical range and variability (HRV) in landscape management
RE Keane, PF Hessburg, PB Landres, FJ Swanson
Forest Ecology and Management 258 (7), 1025-1037, 2009
Restoring forest resilience: from reference spatial patterns to silvicultural prescriptions and monitoring
DJ Churchill, AJ Larson, MC Dahlgreen, JF Franklin, PF Hessburg, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 291, 442-457, 2013
The ecology of mixed severity fire regimes in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California
DA Perry, PF Hessburg, CN Skinner, TA Spies, SL Stephens, AH Taylor, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 262 (5), 703-717, 2011
Historical and anticipated changes in forest ecosystems of the inland west of the United States
WW Covington, LR Everett, R Steele, LL Irwin, TA Daer, AND Auclair
Assessing forest ecosystem health in the inland west, 13-63, 2018
Restoring fire-prone Inland Pacific landscapes: seven core principles
PF Hessburg, DJ Churchill, AJ Larson, RD Haugo, C Miller, TA Spies, ...
Landscape Ecology 30, 1805-1835, 2015
Evidence for widespread changes in the structure, composition, and fire regimes of western North American forests
RK Hagmann, PF Hessburg, SJ Prichard, NA Povak, PM Brown, PZ Fulé, ...
Ecological Applications 31 (8), e02431, 2021
Climate, environment, and disturbance history govern resilience of western North American forests
PF Hessburg, CL Miller, SA Parks, NA Povak, AH Taylor, PE Higuera, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 239, 2019
Predicting late-successional fire refugia pre-dating European settlement in the Wenatchee Mountains
A Camp, C Oliver, P Hessburg, R Everett
Forest Ecology and Management 95 (1), 63-77, 1997
Adapting western North American forests to climate change and wildfires: 10 common questions
SJ Prichard, PF Hessburg, RK Hagmann, NA Povak, SZ Dobrowski, ...
Ecological applications 31 (8), e02433, 2021
Re-examining fire severity relations in pre-management era mixed conifer forests: inferences from landscape patterns of forest structure
PF Hessburg, RB Salter, KM James
Landscape Ecology 22, 5-24, 2007
Tamm Review: Shifting global fire regimes: Lessons from reburns and research needs
SJ Prichard, CS Stevens-Rumann, PF Hessburg
Forest Ecology and Management 396, 217-233, 2017
Fire and aquatic ecosystems of the western USA: current knowledge and key questions
PA Bisson, BE Rieman, C Luce, PF Hessburg, DC Lee, JL Kershner, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 178 (1-2), 213-229, 2003
Tamm Review: Management of mixed-severity fire regime forests in Oregon, Washington, and Northern California
PF Hessburg, TA Spies, DA Perry, CN Skinner, AH Taylor, PM Brown, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 366, 221-250, 2016
Biotic and abiotic processes in eastside ecosystems: the effects of management on soil properties, processes, and productivity
AE Harvey, JM Geist, GL McDonald, MF Jurgensen, PH Cochran, ...
Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR- 323, 71, 1994
Recent changes (1930s–1990s) in spatial patterns of interior northwest forests, USA
PF Hessburg, BG Smith, RB Salter, RD Ottmar, E Alvarado
Forest Ecology and Management 136 (1-3), 53-83, 2000
Detecting change in forest spatial patterns from reference conditions
PF Hessburg, BG Smith, RB Salter
Ecological applications 9 (4), 1232-1252, 1999
Estimating historical range and variation of landscape patch dynamics: limitations of the simulation approach
RE Keane, RA Parsons, PF Hessburg
Ecological Modelling 151 (1), 29-49, 2002
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مقالات 1–20