Bidit Dey
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
An assessment of service quality and resulting customer satisfaction in Pakistan International Airlines: Findings from foreigners and overseas Pakistani customers
F Ali, BL Dey, R Filieri
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 32 (5), 486-502, 2015
Digital consumer culture and digital acculturation
BL Dey, D Yen, L Samuel
International Journal of Information Management 51, 102057, 2020
The impact of social media on consumers’ acculturation and purchase intentions
H Kizgin, A Jamal, BL Dey, NP Rana
Information Systems Frontiers 20, 503-514, 2018
Enforced remote working: The impact of digital platform-induced stress and remote working experience on technology exhaustion and subjective wellbeing
P Singh, H Bala, BL Dey, R Filieri
Journal of Business Research 151, 269-286, 2022
Value co-creation through social innovation: A study of sustainable strategic alliance in telecommunication and financial services sectors in Bangladesh
MM Babu, BL Dey, M Rahman, SK Roy, SFS Alwi, MM Kamal
Industrial Marketing Management 89, 13-27, 2020
Analysis of factors that influence customers’ willingness to leave big data digital footprints on social media: A systematic review of literature
SS Muhammad, BL Dey, V Weerakkody
Information Systems Frontiers 20, 559-576, 2018
Importance of sustainable operations in food loss: evidence from the Belgian food processing industry
M Dora, J Wesana, X Gellynck, N Seth, B Dey, H De Steur
Annals of operations research 290, 47-72, 2020
The impact of social media on consumer acculturation: Current challenges, opportunities, and an agenda for research and practice
H Kizgin, BL Dey, YK Dwivedi, L Hughes, A Jamal, P Jones, ...
International Journal of Information Management 51, 102026, 2020
Co-creation of value at the bottom of the pyramid: Analysing Bangladeshi farmers' use of mobile telephony
BL Dey, A Pandit, M Saren, S Bhowmick, H Woodruffe-Burton
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 29, 40-48, 2016
Exploring big data-driven innovation in the manufacturing sector: evidence from UK firms
MM Babu, M Rahman, A Alam, BL Dey
Annals of Operations Research 333 (2), 689-716, 2024
Millennial Chinese consumers' perceived destination brand value
J Luo, BL Dey, C Yalkin, U Sivarajah, K Punjaisri, Y Huang, DA Yen
Journal of Business Research 116, 655-665, 2020
Adoption, adaptation, use and impact of information systems during pandemic time and beyond: Research and managerial implications
BL Dey, W Al-Karaghouli, SS Muhammad
Information Systems Management 37 (4), 298-302, 2020
A qualitative enquiry into the appropriation of mobile telephony at the bottom of the pyramid
B Lal Dey, B Binsardi, R Prendergast, M Saren
International Marketing Review 30 (4), 297-322, 2013
The importance of enhancing, maintaining and saving face in smartphone repurchase intentions of Chinese early adopters: an exploratory study
R Filieri, W Chen, B Lal Dey
Information Technology & People 30 (3), 629-652, 2017
Technology upgrading through co-creation of value in developing societies: Analysis of the mobile telephone industry in Bangladesh
BL Dey, MM Babu, M Rahman, M Dora, N Mishra
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 145, 413-425, 2019
Towards a framework for understanding ethnic consumers’ acculturation strategies in a multicultural environment: A food consumption perspective
BL Dey, S Alwi, F Yamoah, SA Agyepong, H Kizgin, M Sarma
International Marketing Review 36 (5), 771-804, 2019
Digital and social media marketing
NP Rana, EL Slade, GP Sahu, H Kizgin, N Singh, B Dey, A Gutierrez, ...
Springer, 2020
The impact of social media on the performance of microfinance institutions in developing countries: a quantitative approach
A Daowd, MM Kamal, T Eldabi, R Hasan, F Missi, BL Dey
Information Technology & People 34 (1), 25-49, 2021
Analysing appropriation and usability in social and occupational lives: An investigation of Bangladeshi farmers' use of mobile telephony
B Dey, D Newman, R Prendergast
Information Technology & People 24 (1), 46-63, 2011
Consumer engagement with social media platforms: A study of the influence of attitudinal components on cutting edge technology adaptation behaviour
SS Muhammad, BL Dey, MM Kamal, SFS Alwi
Computers in Human Behavior 121, 106802, 2021
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مقالات 1–20