Benjamin Schoville
Benjamin Schoville
أسماء أخرىBen Schoville
University of Southern Queensland
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Evidence for early hafted hunting technology
J Wilkins, BJ Schoville, KS Brown, M Chazan
Science 338 (6109), 942-946, 2012
An early and enduring advanced technology originating 71,000 years ago in South Africa
KS Brown, CW Marean, Z Jacobs, BJ Schoville, S Oestmo, EC Fisher, ...
Nature 491 (7425), 590-593, 2012
U–Pb-dated flowstones restrict South African early hominin record to dry climate phases
R Pickering, AIR Herries, JD Woodhead, JC Hellstrom, HE Green, B Paul, ...
Nature 565 (7738), 226-229, 2019
Lithic technological responses to Late Pleistocene glacial cycling at pinnacle point site 5-6, South Africa
J Wilkins, KS Brown, S Oestmo, T Pereira, KL Ranhorn, BJ Schoville, ...
PloS one 12 (3), e0174051, 2017
Innovative Homo sapiens behaviours 105,000 years ago in a wetter Kalahari
J Wilkins, BJ Schoville, R Pickering, L Gliganic, B Collins, KS Brown, ...
Nature 592 (7853), 248-252, 2021
An experimental investigation of the functional hypothesis and evolutionary advantage of stone-tipped spears
J Wilkins, BJ Schoville, KS Brown
PloS one 9 (8), e104514, 2014
Frequency and distribution of edge damage on Middle Stone Age lithic points, Pinnacle Point 13B, South Africa
BJ Schoville
Journal of human evolution 59 (3-4), 378-391, 2010
A model of hunter-gatherer skeletal element transport: The effect of prey body size, carriers, and distance
BJ Schoville, E Otárola-Castillo
Journal of human evolution 73, 1-14, 2014
A middle stone age paleoscape near the pinnacle point caves, Vleesbaai, South Africa
S Oestmo, BJ Schoville, J Wilkins, CW Marean
Quaternary International 350, 147-168, 2014
Kathu Pan 1 points and the assemblage-scale, probabilistic approach: A response to Rots and Plisson,“Projectiles and the abuse of the use-wear method in a search for impact”
J Wilkins, BJ Schoville, KS Brown, M Chazan
Journal of Archaeological Science 54, 294-299, 2015
New experiments and a model-driven approach for interpreting Middle Stone Age lithic point function using the edge damage distribution method
BJ Schoville, KS Brown, JA Harris, J Wilkins
PloS one 11 (10), e0164088, 2016
The performance of heat-treated silcrete backed pieces in actualistic and controlled complex projectile experiments
BJ Schoville, J Wilkins, T Ritzman, S Oestmo, KS Brown
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 14, 302-317, 2017
Comparing lithic assemblage edge damage distributions: examples from the late Pleistocene and preliminary experimental results
B Schoville, KS Brown
Vis-a-vis: Explorations in Anthropology 10 (2), 2010
Fabric analysis and chronology at Ga-Mohana Hill North Rockshelter, southern Kalahari Basin: evidence for in situ, stratified Middle and Later Stone Age deposits
J Wilkins, BJ Schoville, KS Brown, L Gliganic, MC Meyer, E Loftus, ...
Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 3, 336-361, 2020
Edge Damage on 500-Thousand-Year-Old Spear Tips from Kathu Pan 1, South Africa: The Combined Effects of Spear Use and Taphonomic Processes
J Wilkins, BJ Schoville
Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Stone Age Weaponry, 101-118, 2016
Testing a taphonomic predictive model of edge damage formation with Middle Stone Age points from Pinnacle Point Cave 13B and Die Kelders Cave 1, South Africa
BJ Schoville
Journal of Archaeological Science 48, 84-95, 2014
Exploring variability in lithic armature discard in the archaeological record
C Gravel-Miguel, JK Murray, BJ Schoville, CD Wren, CW Marean
Journal of Human Evolution 155, 102981, 2021
A lithic provisioning model as a proxy for landscape mobility in the Southern and Middle Kalahari
BJ Schoville, KS Brown, J Wilkins
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 29 (1), 162-187, 2022
Experimental Artifact Transport by Harvester Ants (Pogonomyrmex sp.): Implications for Patterns in the Archaeological Record
B Schoville, L Burris, LC Todd
Journal of Taphonomy 7 (4), 285-303, 2009
A quantitative analysis of wear distributions on Middle Stone Age marine shell beads from Blombos Cave, South Africa
A Hatton, BJ Schoville, J Wilkins
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 29, 102137, 2020
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مقالات 1–20