Verena Bitzer
Verena Bitzer
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT); Maastricht University (ICIS)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Harnessing wicked problems in multi-stakeholder partnerships
D Dentoni, V Bitzer, G Schouten
Journal of Business Ethics 150, 333-356, 2018
Cross-sector partnerships and the co-creation of dynamic capabilities for stakeholder orientation
D Dentoni, V Bitzer, S Pascucci
Journal of business ethics 135, 35-53, 2016
Intersectoral partnerships for a sustainable coffee chain: Really addressing sustainability or just picking (coffee) cherries?
V Bitzer, M Francken, P Glasbergen
Global Environmental Change 18 (2), 271-284, 2008
Sustainable business model innovation: The role of boundary work for multi-stakeholder alignment
MGE Velter, V Bitzer, NMP Bocken, R Kemp
Journal of Cleaner Production 247, 119497, 2020
The role (s) of universities in dealing with global wicked problems through multi-stakeholder initiatives
D Dentoni, V Bitzer
Journal of Cleaner Production 106, 68-78, 2015
The emergence of Southern standards in agricultural value chains: A new trend in sustainability governance?
G Schouten, V Bitzer
Ecological economics 120, 175-184, 2015
Business–NGO partnerships in global value chains: part of the solution or part of the problem of sustainable change?
V Bitzer, P Glasbergen
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 12, 35-40, 2015
Conceptualizing inclusiveness of smallholder value chain integration
MAF Ros-Tonen, V Bitzer, A Laven, DO de Leth, Y Van Leynseele, A Vos
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 41, 10-17, 2019
Exploring the potential of intersectoral partnerships to improve the position of farmers in global agrifood chains: findings from the coffee sector in Peru
V Bitzer, P Glasbergen, B Arts
Agriculture and Human Values 30, 5-20, 2013
Partnering for Change in Chains: the Capacity of Partnerships to Promote Sustainable Change in Global Agrifood Chains
V Bitzer
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 15 (Special Issue B), 13, 2012
Partnerships of a feather flock together? An analysis of the emergence of networks of partnerships in the global cocoa sector
V Bitzer, P Glasbergen, P Leroy
Global Networks 12 (3), 355-374, 2012
From innovation to co-innovation? An exploration of African agrifood chains
V Bitzer, J Bijman
British Food Journal 117 (8), 2182-2199, 2015
Bringing the elephant into the room? Enacting conflict in collective prosocial organizing
EE Powell, R Hamann, V Bitzer, T Baker
Journal of Business Venturing 33 (5), 623-642, 2018
The business of social and environmental innovation
V Bitzer, R Hamann
The business of social and environmental innovation: New frontiers in Africa …, 2014
Quality management in food chains
L Theuvsen, A Spiller, M Peupert, G Jahn
BRILL, 2023
Partnerships for sustainable change in cotton: An institutional analysis of African cases
V Bitzer, P Glasbergen
Journal of Business Ethics 93, 223-240, 2010
Old oranges in new boxes? Strategic partnerships between emerging farmers and agribusinesses in South Africa
V Bitzer, J Bijman
Journal of Southern African Studies 40 (1), 167-183, 2014
A boundary tool for multi-stakeholder sustainable business model innovation
MGE Velter, V Bitzer, NMP Bocken
Circular Economy and Sustainability 2 (2), 401-431, 2022
Harnessing ICT for agricultural extension
J Barber, E Mangnus, V Bitzer
Europe 91 (120.6), 31-35, 2018
Incentives for enhanced performance of agricultural extension systems
V Bitzer
Kit Sustainable Economic Development & Gender 6, 1-8, 2016
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مقالات 1–20