Johan Ahlgren
Johan Ahlgren
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Water brownification may increase the invasibility of a submerged non-native macrophyte
RP Mormul, J Ahlgren, MK Ekvall, LA Hansson, C Brönmark
Biological Invasions 14, 2091-2099, 2012
Individual boldness is linked to protective shell shape in aquatic snails
J Ahlgren, BB Chapman, PA Nilsson, C Brönmark
Biology letters 11 (4), 20150029, 2015
Costs of inducible defence along a resource gradient
C Brönmark, T Lakowitz, PA Nilsson, J Ahlgren, C Lennartsdotter, ...
PloS one 7 (1), e30467, 2012
Camouflaged or tanned: plasticity in freshwater snail pigmentation
J Ahlgren, X Yang, LA Hansson, C Brönmark
Biology letters 9 (5), 20130464, 2013
The influence of predator regime on the behaviour and mortality of a freshwater amphipod, Gammarus pulex
J Ahlgren, K Åbjörnsson, C Brönmark
Hydrobiologia 671, 39-49, 2011
Fleeing towards death–leech‐induced behavioural defences increase freshwater snail susceptibility to predatory fish
J Ahlgren, C Brönmark
Oikos 121 (9), 1501-1506, 2012
Experimental evidence for a mismatch between insect emergence and waterfowl hatching under increased spring temperatures
CB Lars-Anders Hansson, Mattias K. Ekvall, Mikael T. Ekvall, Johan Ahlgren ...
Ecosphere 5 (9), 2014
Behaviour of freshwater snails (Radix balthica) exposed to the pharmaceutical sertraline under simulated predation risk
ML Hedgespeth, T Karasek, J Ahlgren, O Berglund, C Brönmark
Ecotoxicology 27, 144-153, 2018
Rates of gene flow in a freshwater snail and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity
J Hollander, J Ahlgren, C Brönmark
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121 (4), 764-770, 2017
The prey perspective-behaviour and appearance in a world of predators
J Ahlgren
Lund University, 2015
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مقالات 1–10