Hans Joosten
Hans Joosten
Professor of Peatland Studies and Palaeoecology
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uni-greifswald.de - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Wise use of mires and peatlands
H Joosten, D Clarke
International mire conservation group and international peat society 304, 2002
Landschaftsökologische Moorkunde
M Succow, H Joosten
E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2001
Assessment on peatlands, biodiversity and climate change
F Parish, AA Sirin, D Charman, H Joosten, TY Minaeva, M Silvius
Wetlands International, 2008
The Global Peatland CO2 Picture: peatland status and drainage related emissions in all countries of the world.
H Joosten
Greenhouse gas fluxes from tropical peatlands in south‐east Asia
J Couwenberg, R Dommain, H Joosten
Global Change Biology 16 (6), 1715-1732, 2010
Ecosystem services and ethics
K Jax, DN Barton, KMA Chan, R De Groot, U Doyle, U Eser, C Görg, ...
Ecological economics 93, 260-268, 2013
Extensive global wetland loss over the past three centuries
E Fluet-Chouinard, BD Stocker, Z Zhang, A Malhotra, JR Melton, B Poulter, ...
Nature 614 (7947), 281-286, 2023
Assessing greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands using vegetation as a proxy
J Couwenberg, A Thiele, F Tanneberger, J Augustin, S Bärisch, ...
Hydrobiologia 674, 67-89, 2011
Prompt rewetting of drained peatlands reduces climate warming despite methane emissions
A Günther, A Barthelmes, V Huth, H Joosten, G Jurasinski, F Koebsch, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1644, 2020
Peatlands: guidance for climate change mitigation through conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use
H Joosten, ML Tapio-Biström, S Tol
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2012
Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: science, policy and practice
A Bonn, T Allott, M Evans, H Joosten, R Stoneman
Cambridge University Press, 2016
Mires and peatlands of Europe: Status, distribution and conservation
H Joosten, F Tanneberger, A Moen
(No Title), 2017
The role of peatlands in climate regulation
H Joosten, A Sirin, J Couwenberg, J Laine, P Smith
Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: Science, policy and practice …, 2016
Development and carbon sequestration of tropical peat domes in south-east Asia: links to post-glacial sea-level changes and Holocene climate variability
R Dommain, J Couwenberg, H Joosten
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (7-8), 999-1010, 2011
IUCN UK Commission of Inquiry on Peatlands.
N Bain, N Bonn, N Stoneman, N Chapman, N Coupar, N Evans, N Gearey, ...
Recovering wetland biogeomorphic feedbacks to restore the world’s biotic carbon hotspots
RJM Temmink, LPM Lamers, C Angelini, TJ Bouma, C Fritz, ...
Science 376 (6593), eabn1479, 2022
The peatland map of Europe
F Tanneberger, T Belous
Mires and Peat, 2017
Investing in nature: Developing ecosystem service markets for peatland restoration
A Bonn, MS Reed, CD Evans, H Joosten, C Bain, J Farmer, I Emmer, ...
Ecosystem Services 9, 54-65, 2014
Paludiculture-productive use of wet peatlands: climate protection-biodiversity-regional economic benefits.
W Wichtmann, C Schröder, H Joosten
What’s in a name?: some thoughts on pollen classification, identification, and nomenclature in Quaternary palynology
H Joosten, P de Klerk
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 122 (1-2), 29-45, 2002
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مقالات 1–20