Farai Kapfudzaruwa
Farai Kapfudzaruwa
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Business and human rights in South Africa: An analysis of antecedents of human rights due diligence
R Hamann, P Sinha, F Kapfudzaruwa, C Schild
Journal of Business Ethics 87, 453-473, 2009
Is there a role for traditional governance systems in South Africa’s new water management regime?
F Kapfudzaruwa, M Sowman
Water sa 35 (5), 2009
Improved cookstoves in Africa: Explaining adoption patterns
F Kapfudzaruwa, J Fay, T Hart
Development Southern Africa 34 (5), 548-563, 2017
A comparative policy analysis of the Clean Development Mechanism in South Africa and China
J Fay, F Kapfudzaruwa, L Na, S Matheson
Climate and Development 4 (1), 40-53, 2012
Rural-urban linkages and sustainable development in Africa
F Kapfudzaruwa, S Kudo, O Mfune, M Hansen, J Nyerere
Spears Media Press, 2018
Case Study: Higher education and the education for sustainable development in Africa (ESDA) program
J Nyerere, F Kapfudzaruwa, O Fadairo, A Odingo, J Manchisi, S Kudo
Sustainable Development in Africa: Fostering Sustainability in one of the …, 2021
The sustainable development goals and regional institutions: exploring their role in Asia and the Pacific
F Kapfudzaruwa, N Kanie, K Weinberger, H Mallee, A Ishii
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, 2017
Internationalization of higher education and emerging national rationales: Comparative analysis of the Global North and south
F Kapfudzaruwa
Higher Education Policy, 1-30, 2024
Rural-urban Linkages and Sustainable Development
F Kapfudzaruwa, S Kudo, M Hansen
Rural-Urban Linkages and Sustainable Development in Africa 1, 2018
Youth Entrepreneurship and Africa’s Sustainable Industrialization
F Kapfudzaruwa, M Nagao, E Mutisya
Spears Media Press, 2018
The Future of African Youth Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Industrialization
F Kapfudzaruwa
Youth Entrepreneurship and Africa’s Sustainable Industrialization 204, 2018
Investigating business' contribution to climate change governance in areas of limited statehood: the case of South Africa and Kenya
F Kapfudzaruwa
1. Literature review on inclusive businesses and value chain development in Africa
F Kapfudzaruwa
Value chain development by the private sector in Africa, 1, 2013
Business Contributions to Climate Change Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood
R Hamann, T Börzel, F Kapfudzaruwa, N Kranz, N Methner
Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 15104, 2012
An Investigation into the antecedents of corporate strategic change with regard to Black Economic Empowerment and corporate social responsibility in South Africa
R Hamann, C Reddy, F Kapfudzaruwa
A report submitted to the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische …, 2010
A comparative analysis of CDM in South Africa and China redefining the role of CDM n the quest for putting a price on carbon in South Africa
J Fay, F Kapfudzaruwa, L Na
Putting a price on Carbon. Economic instruments to mitigate climate change …, 2010
Evolving Asia-Africa cooperation in support of Africa’s higher education development
M Nagao, F Kapfudzaruwa, S Kudo, E Mutisya
Africa Educational Research Journal 10, 10-30, 2019
Moving towards Transdisciplinarity: Framing Sustainability Challenges in Africa
S Kudo, F Kapfudzaruwa, JL Broadhurst, SE Edusah, KG Awere, ...
Sustainable Development in Africa: Concepts and Methodological Approaches 5, 1, 2019
Corporate Response to Climate Change in Areas of Limited Statehood: An Outline of the Organisational Configurations in Kenya and South Africa
F Kapfudzaruwa
Business and Climate Change Governance: South Africa in Comparative …, 2013
Exploring the Emerging Corporate Climate Change Strategies in Africa: A Case of Kenyan Companies
F Kapfudzaruwa
Gallen, Switzerland: Oikos International. Retrieved from http://www. oikos …, 2011
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20