Eissa A. Al-Homaidi
Eissa A. Al-Homaidi
Assistant Professor, Accounting and Finance Verified email at amu.ac.in
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The determinants of profitability of Indian commercial banks: A panel data approach
FA Almaqtari, EA Al‐Homaidi, MI Tabash, NH Farhan
International Journal of Finance & Economics 24 (1), 168-185, 2019
Bank-specific and macro-economic determinants of profitability of Indian commercial banks: A panel data approach
EA Al-Homaidi, MI Tabash, NHS Farhan, FA Almaqtari
Cogent Economics & Finance 6 (1), 1548072, 2018
The determinants of liquidity of Indian listed commercial banks: A panel data approach
EA Al‐Homaidi, MI Tabash, NH Farhan, FA Almaqtari
Cogent Economics & Finance 7 (1), 1616521, 2019
Internal and external determinants of listed commercial banks' profitability in India: dynamic GMM approach
EA Al-Homaidi, FA Almaqtari, AT Yahya, ASD Khaled
International Journal of Monetary Economics and 13 (1), 34 - 67, 2020
Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Financial Performance of Hotel Companies: Empirical Evidence from India
EA Al‐Homaidi, FA Almaqtari, A Ahmad, M l Tabash
African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 8 (2), 1-21, 2019
The profitability of islamic banks and voluntary disclosure: empirical insights from Yemen
EA Al-Homaidi, MI Tabash, A Ahmad
Cogent Economics & Finance 8 (1), 1778406, 2020
The liquidity of Indian firms: empirical evidence of 2154 firms
EA Al-Homaidi, MI Tabash, WM Al-Ahdal, NHS FARHAN, SH Khan
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (1), 19-27, 2020
Factors affecting the profitability of Indian listed firms: a panel data approach
EA Al-Homaidi, NHS Farhan, WM Alahdal, ASD Khaled, MM Qaid
International journal of business excellence 23 (1), 1-17, 2021
The influence of corporate governance characteristics on profitability of Indian firms: An empirical investigation of firms listed on Bombay Stock Exchange
EA Al-Homaidi, EM Al-Matari, MI Tabash, ASD Khaled, NAM Senan
Investment Management & Financial Innovations 18 (1), 114, 2021
The Impact of Technological and Marketing Innovations on Retailing Industry: Evidence of India
EAAHMIH Amgad S.D. Khaled, Salma Ahmed, Mosab I. Tabash
Journal of Reviews on Global Economics 8, 948-957, 2019
Does corporate governance moderate the relationship between liquidity ratios and financial performance? Evidence from Indian pharmaceutical companies
NH Farhan, E Alhomidi, FA Almaqtari, MI Tabash
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (3), 144-144, 2019
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on retailer performance: empirical evidence from India
EAAH Amgad SD Khaled, Nabil Mohamed Alabsy
Innovative Marketing 16 (4), 129-138, 2020
The relationship between zakat disclosures and Islamic banking performance: Evidence from Yemen
EA Al-Homaidi, EM Al-Matari, S Anagreh, MI Tabash, NAM Senan
Banks and Bank Systems 16 (1), 52, 2021
An empirical analysis of financial leverage and financial performance: Empirical evidence from Indian listed firms
NAM Senan, A Ahmad, S Anagreh, MI Tabash, EA Al-Homaidi
Investment Management & Financial Innovations 18 (2), 322, 2021
Working capital management and banks' performance: evidence from India
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (6), 747-758, 2021
External factors and banks’ performance: An empirical examination of commercial banks listed on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
EA Al-Homaidi, A Ahmad, AS Khaled, MM Qaid
International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 6 (6 …, 2019
Exploring the relationship of marketing & technological innovation on store equity, word of mouth and satisfaction
AS D. Khaled, S Ahmed, MA Khan, EA Al Homaidi, AM Mansour
Cogent Business & Management 8 (1), 1861752, 2021
Factors influencing consumer satisfaction toward online shopping: a special reference to India context
F Almugari, ASD Khaled, MK Alsyani, EA Al-Homaidi, MM Qaid
International Journal of Procurement Management 15 (2), 236-256, 2022
Corporate characteristics and leverage: evidence from Gulf countries
WM Al-Ahdal, FA Almaqtari, DA Zaid, EA Al-Homaidi, NH Farhan
PSU Research Review 6 (2), 120-140, 2022
Macro and socio-economic determinants of firms' financial performance: empirical evidence from Indian states
FA Almaqtari, NHS Farhan, AT Yahya, EA Al-Homaidi
International Journal of Business Excellence 21 (4), 488-512, 2020
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20