Pengfei Gao (高鹏飞)
Pengfei Gao (高鹏飞)
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على nwpu.edu.cn
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Deformation behavior and microstructure evolution of titanium alloys with lamellar microstructure in hot working process: A review
P Gao, M Fu, M Zhan, Z Lei, Y Li
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 39, 56-73, 2020
Deformation behavior and microstructure evolution during hot working of a coarse-grained Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr-1Zr titanium alloy in beta phase field
XG Fan, Y Zhang, PF Gao, ZN Lei, M Zhan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 694, 24-32, 2017
Mechanism and kinetics of static globularization in TA15 titanium alloy with transformed structure
XG Fan, H Yang, SL Yan, PF Gao, JH Zhou
Journal of alloys and compounds 533, 1-8, 2012
Prediction of constitutive behavior and microstructure evolution in hot deformation of TA15 titanium alloy
XG Fan, H Yang, PF Gao
Materials & Design 51, 34-42, 2013
Dependence of mechanical properties on the microstructural parameters of TA15 titanium alloy with tri-modal microstructure
PF Gao, G Qin, XX Wang, YX Li, M Zhan, GJ Li, JS Li
Materials Science and Engineering: A 739, 203-213, 2019
Deformation behavior and microstructure evolution in multistage hot working of TA15 titanium alloy: on the role of recrystallization
XG Fan, H Yang, PF Gao
Journal of materials science 46, 6018-6028, 2011
Hot deformation behavior and microstructure evolution of TA15 titanium alloy with nonuniform microstructure
P Gao, M Zhan, X Fan, Z Lei, Y Cai
Materials Science and Engineering: A 689, 243-251, 2017
Mesoscale deformation mechanisms in relation with slip and grain boundary sliding in TA15 titanium alloy during tensile deformation
Y Li, P Gao, J Yu, S Jin, S Chen, M Zhan
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 98, 72-86, 2022
Unified modeling of flow softening and globularization for hot working of two-phase titanium alloy with a lamellar colony microstructure
P Gao, H Yang, X Fan, S Zhu
Journal of alloys and compounds 600, 78-83, 2014
Deformation mode dependent mechanism and kinetics of dynamic recrystallization in hot working of titanium alloy
XX Wang, M Zhan, PF Gao, PY Ma, K Yang, YD Lei, ZX Li
Materials Science and Engineering: A 772, 138804, 2020
The role of dynamic and post dynamic recrystallization on microstructure refinement in primary working of a coarse grained two-phase titanium alloy
XG Fan, H Yang, PF Gao, R Zuo, PH Lei
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 234, 290-299, 2016
Analysis of anisotropy mechanism in the mechanical property of titanium alloy tube formed through hot flow forming
Z Lei, P Gao, X Wang, M Zhan, H Li
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 86, 77-90, 2021
Modeling the anisotropy of hot plastic deformation of two-phase titanium alloys with a colony microstructure
XG Fan, XQ Jiang, X Zeng, YG Shi, PF Gao, M Zhan
International Journal of Plasticity 104, 173-195, 2018
Deformation mode and wall thickness variation in conventional spinning of metal sheets
PF Gao, XG Yan, FG Li, M Zhan, F Ma, MW Fu
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 173, 103846, 2022
Crystallographic orientation evolution during the development of tri-modal microstructure in the hot working of TA15 titanium alloy
P Gao, Y Cai, M Zhan, X Fan, Z Lei
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 741, 734-745, 2018
Friction assessment in uniaxial compression test: A new evaluation method based on local bulge profile
XG Fan, YD Dong, H Yang, PF Gao, M Zhan
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 243, 282-290, 2017
The flow behavior and microstructure evolution during (α+ β) deformation of β wrought TA15 titanium alloy
AM Zhao, H Yang, XG Fan, PF Gao, R Zuo, M Meng
Materials & Design 109, 112-122, 2016
Microstructure and damage based constitutive modelling of hot deformation of titanium alloys
PF Gao, J Guo, M Zhan, ZN Lei, MW Fu
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 831, 154851, 2020
Prediction of the folding defect in die forging: a versatile approach for three typical types of folding defects
PF Gao, MY Fei, XG Yan, SB Wang, YK Li, L Xing, K Wei, M Zhan, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 39, 181-191, 2019
Deformation in fatigue crack tip plastic zone and its role in crack propagation of titanium alloy with tri-modal microstructure
PF Gao, ZN Lei, XX Wang, M Zhan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 739, 198-202, 2019
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مقالات 1–20