Kumar Sundaram
Kumar Sundaram
Novelis Corporation
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Tensile and wear behaviour of in situ Al–7Si/TiB2 particulate composites
S Kumar, M Chakraborty, VS Sarma, BS Murty
Wear 265 (1-2), 134-142, 2008
A comparative study on the microstructures and mechanical properties of Al 6061 alloy and the MMC Al 6061/TiB2/12p
TV Christy, N Murugan, S Kumar
Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering 9 (1), 57-65, 2010
A synchrotron X-ray radiography study of dendrite fragmentation induced by a pulsed electromagnetic field in an Al–15Cu alloy
E Liotti, A Lui, R Vincent, S Kumar, Z Guo, T Connolley, IP Dolbnya, ...
Acta Materialia 70, 228-239, 2014
Effect of reinforcement size and volume fraction on the abrasive wear behaviour of AA7075 Al/SiCp P/M composites—a statistical analysis
S Kumar, V Balasubramanian
Tribology international 43 (1-2), 414-422, 2010
Developing a mathematical model to evaluate wear rate of AA7075/SiCp powder metallurgy composites
S Kumar, V Balasubramanian
Wear 264 (11-12), 1026-1034, 2008
Influence of cooling rate on the Fe intermetallic formation in an AA6063 Al alloy
A Verma, S Kumar, PS Grant, KAQ O’Reilly
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 555, 274-282, 2013
Influence of in situ formed TiB2 particles on the abrasive wear behaviour of Al–4Cu alloy
S Kumar, VS Sarma, BS Murty
Materials Science and Engineering: A 465 (1-2), 160-164, 2007
The spatial and temporal distribution of dendrite fragmentation in solidifying Al-Cu alloys under different conditions
E Liotti, A Lui, S Kumar, Z Guo, C Bi, T Connolley, PS Grant
Acta Materialia 121, 384-395, 2016
High temperature wear behavior of Al–4Cu–TiB2in situ composites
S Kumar, VS Sarma, BS Murty
Wear 268 (11-12), 1266-1274, 2010
Effect of temperature on the wear behavior of Al-7Si-TiB2 in-situ composites
S Kumar, VS Sarma, BS Murty
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 40 (1), 223-231, 2009
A statistical analysis on erosion wear behaviour of A356 alloy reinforced with in situ formed TiB2 particles
S Kumar, VS Sarma, BS Murty
Materials Science and Engineering: A 476 (1-2), 333-340, 2008
Evolution of Fe Bearing Intermetallics During DC Casting and Homogenization of an Al-Mg-Si Al Alloy
S Kumar, PS Grant, KAQ O’Reilly
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47 (6), 3000-3014, 2016
Functionally graded Al alloy matrix in-situ composites
S Kumar, VS Sarma, BS Murty
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 41 (1), 242, 2010
Influence of Al grain structure on Fe bearing intermetallics during DC casting of an Al-Mg-Si alloy
S Kumar, KAQ O'Reilly
Materials Characterization 120, 311-322, 2016
Tribological behaviour of Cu60Zr30Ti10 bulk metallic glass
J Bhatt, S Kumar, C Dong, BS Murty
Materials Science and Engineering: A 458 (1-2), 290-294, 2007
Fabrication and response of Al70Y16Ni10Co4 glass reinforced metal matrix composites
KG Prashanth, S Kumar, S Scudino, BS Murty, J Eckert
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 26 (10), 1242-1247, 2011
Melt Conditioned Direct Chill Casting (MC-DC) Process for Production of High Quality Aluminium Alloy Billets
JB Patel, HT Li, MX Xia, S Jones, S Kumar, K O'Reilly, ZY Fan
Materials Science Forum 794, 149-154, 2014
Solidification behaviour of an AA5754 Al alloy ingot cast with high impurity content
S Kumar, NH Babu, GM Scamans, DG Eskin, Z Fan
International Journal of Materials Research 103 (10), 1228-1234, 2012
Microstructural evaluation of melt conditioned twin roll cast Al-Mg alloy
S Kumar, N Hari Babu, GM Scamans, Z Fan
Materials Science and Technology 27 (12), 1833-1839, 2011
The influence of room temperature and cryogenic temperature rolling on the aging and wear behaviour of Al–4Cu–5TiB2in situ composites
S Kumar, VS Sarma, BS Murty
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 479 (1-2), 268-273, 2009
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مقالات 1–20