Tatiana Kalganova
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Evolving more efficient digital circuits by allowing circuit layout evolution and multi-objective fitness
T Kalganova, J Miller
Proceedings of the first NASA/DoD workshop on evolvable hardware, 54-63, 1999
Bidirectional incremental evolution in extrinsic evolvable hardware
T Kalganova
Proceedings. The Second NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, 65-74, 2000
Generalized disjunction decomposition for evolvable hardware
E Stomeo, T Kalganova, C Lambert
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 36 …, 2006
No routing needed between capsules
A Byerly, T Kalganova, I Dear
Neurocomputing 463, 545-553, 2021
Evolutionary algorithms and theirs use in the design of sequential logic circuits
B Ali, AEA Almaini, T Kalganova
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 5, 11-29, 2004
A branching and merging convolutional network with homogeneous filter capsules
A Byerly, T Kalganova, I Dear
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.09136, 2020
The genetic algorithm as a discovery engine: Strange circuits and new principles
JF Miller, T Kalganova, D Job, N Lipnitskaya
Creative evolutionary systems, 443-466, 2002
Pedestrian and vehicle detection in autonomous vehicle perception systems—A review
LG Galvao, M Abbod, T Kalganova, V Palade, MN Huda
Sensors 21 (21), 7267, 2021
Multiple-valued combinational circuits synthesized using evolvable hardware approach
T Kalganova, J Miller, N Lipnitskaya
Citeseer, 1998
Some aspects of an evolvable hardware approach for multiple-valued combinational circuit design
T Kalganova, JF Miller, TC Fogarty
Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware: Second International Conference …, 1998
An extrinsic function-level evolvable hardware approach
T Kalganova
European Conference on Genetic Programming, 60-75, 2000
A novel genetic algorithm for evolvable hardware
E Stomeo, T Kalganova, C Lambert
2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 134-141, 2006
Accelerating supply chains with Ant Colony Optimization across a range of hardware solutions
I Dzalbs, T Kalganova
Computers & Industrial Engineering 147, 106610, 2020
FPGA-based systems for evolvable hardware
C Lambert, T Kalganova, E Stomeo
Dynamic impact for ant colony optimization algorithm
J Skackauskas, T Kalganova, I Dear, M Janakiram
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 69, 100993, 2022
On evolution of relatively large combinational logic circuits
E Stomeo, T Kalganova, C Lambert, N Lipnitsakya, Y Yatskevich
2005 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware (EH'05), 59-66, 2005
Multiple traffic signal control using a genetic algorithm
A Dobnikar, NC Steele, DW Pearson, RF Albrecht, T Kalganova, ...
Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms: Proceedings of the …, 1999
Composite goal methods for transportation network optimization
M Veluscek, T Kalganova, P Broomhead, A Grichnik
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (8), 3852-3867, 2015
Improving EHW performance introducing a new decomposition strategy
E Stomeo, T Kalganova
IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, 2004. 1, 439-444, 2004
Evolvable hardware design of combinational logic circuits.
T Kalganova
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20