Jordanka Kovaceva
Jordanka Kovaceva
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Drivers overtaking cyclists in the real-world: Evidence from a naturalistic driving study
J Kovaceva, G Nero, J Bärgman, M Dozza
Safety science 119, 199-206, 2019
Safety benefit assessment of autonomous emergency braking and steering systems for the protection of cyclists and pedestrians based on a combination of computer simulation and …
J Kovaceva, A Bálint, R Schindler, A Schneider
Accident Analysis & Prevention 136, 105352, 2020
Identification of aggressive driving from naturalistic data in car-following situations
J Kovaceva, I Isaksson-Hellman, N Murgovski
Journal of safety research 73, 225-234, 2020
Description of same-direction car-to-bicycle crash scenarios using real-world data from Sweden, Germany, and a global crash database
PD Fernández, M Lindman, I Isaksson-Hellman, H Jeppsson, J Kovaceva
Accident Analysis & Prevention 168, 106587, 2022
On the importance of driver models for the development and assessment of active safety: a new collision warning system to make overtaking cyclists safer
J Kovaceva, J Bärgman, M Dozza
Accident Analysis & Prevention 165, 106513, 2022
Car-to-cyclist crashes in Europe and derivation of use cases as basis for test scenarios of next generation advanced driver assistance systems–results from PROSPECT
M Wisch, M Lerner, J Kovaceva, A Bálint, I Gohl, A Schneider, J Juhász, ...
Proceedings of the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles Conference, Detroit, MI, USA, 5-8, 2017
Camera-based sleepiness detection: final report of the project SleepEYE
C Fors, C Ahlström, P Sörner, J Kovaceva, E Hasselberg, M Krantz, ...
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2011
The UDrive dataset and key analysis results
J Bärgman, N van Nes, M Christoph, R Janssen, V Heijne, O Carsten, ...
SAFER/Chalmers, 2017
Mapping fractures from traffic accidents in Sweden: How do cyclists compare to other road users?
L Meredith, J Kovaceva, A Bálint
Traffic injury prevention 21 (3), 209-214, 2020
Equestrian-related injuries, predictors of fatalities, and the impact on the public health system in Sweden
L Meredith, R Thomson, R Ekman, J Kovaceva, H Ekbrand, A Bálint
Public Health 168, 67-75, 2019
Addressing run off road safety
L Jakobsson, M Lindman, A Axelson, B Lokensgard, M Petersson, ...
SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars-Mechanical Systems 7 (2014-01 …, 2014
Driver distraction and inattention
O Carsten, D Hibberd, J Bärgman, J Kovaceva, M Pereira Cocron, ...
Automatic incident detection and classification at intersections
J Cano, J Kovaceva, M Lindman, M Brannstrom, MLJ Cano, J Kovaceva, ...
Volvo Car Corporation, 09-0245, 2009
A comparison of computational driver models using naturalistic and test-track data from cyclist-overtaking manoeuvres
J Kovaceva, J Bärgman, M Dozza
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 75, 87-105, 2020
Interactions with vulnerable road users
R Jansen, T Lotan, M Winkelbauer, J Bärgman, J Kovaceva, ...
European Commission Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SST-2012.4. 1–3 GA No …, 2017
An empirically based suggestion for reformulating the glance duration criteria in NHTSA's visual-manual interaction guidelines
ML Aust, S Dombrovskis, J Kovaceva, B Svanberg
SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars-Electronic and Electrical …, 2013
Modeling collision avoidance maneuvers for micromobility vehicles
T Li, J Kovaceva, M Dozza
Journal of safety research 87, 232-243, 2023
Improving the effectiveness of active safety systems to significantly reduce accidents with vulnerable road users-the Project PROSPECT (Proactive Safety for Pedestrians and …
I Cieslik, J Kovaceva, MP Bruyas, D Large, M Kunert, S Krebs, ...
Analysis of SHRP2 data to understand normal and abnormal driving behavior in work zones
CA Flannagan, PB Baykas, A Leslie, J Kovaceva, R Thomson
United States. Federal Highway Administration, 2019
On the evaluation of visual nudges to promote safe cycling: Can we encourage lower speeds at intersections?
J Kovaceva, P Wallgren, M Dozza
Traffic injury prevention 23 (7), 428-433, 2022
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20