Elizabeth Halpenny
Elizabeth Halpenny
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ualberta.ca
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Pro-environmental behaviours and park visitors: The effect of place attachment
EA Halpenny
Journal of environmental psychology 30 (4), 409-421, 2010
Homestays as an alternative tourism product for sustainable community development: A case study of women-managed tourism product in rural Nepal
BP Acharya, EA Halpenny
Tourism Planning & Development 10 (4), 367-387, 2013
Environmental behaviour, place attachment and park visitation: A case study of visitors to Point Pelee National Park
EA Halpenny
University of Waterloo, 2006
Tourism in protected and conserved areas amid the COVID-19 pandemic
A Spenceley, S McCool, D Newsome, A Báez, JR Barborak, CJ Blye, ...
Parks, 103-118, 2021
Volunteering on nature conservation projects: volunteer experience, attitudes and values
EA Halpenny, LT Caissie
Tourism recreation research 28 (3), 25-33, 2003
Volunteering for nature: Motivations for participating in a biodiversity conservation volunteer program
LT Caissie, EA Halpenny
World Leisure Journal 45 (2), 38-50, 2003
Communicating the World Heritage brand: visitor awareness of UNESCO's World Heritage symbol and the implications for sites, stakeholders and sustainable management
LM King, EA Halpenny
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 22 (5), 768-786, 2014
Sport cycling tourists’ setting preferences, appraisals and attachments
C Kulczycki, EA Halpenny
Journal of Sport & Tourism 19 (2), 169-197, 2014
Social media activity in a festival context: Temporal and content analysis
K MacKay, D Barbe, CM Van Winkle, E Halpenny
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 29 (2), 669-689, 2017
Exploring destination loyalty: Application of social media analytics in a nature-based tourism setting
F Mirzaalian, E Halpenny
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 20, 100598, 2021
Social media analytics in hospitality and tourism: A systematic literature review and future trends
F Mirzaalian, E Halpenny
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 10 (4), 764-790, 2019
How do people negotiate through their constraints to engage in pro-environmental behavior? A study of front-country campers in Alberta, Canada
F Moghimehfar, EA Halpenny
Tourism Management 57, 362-372, 2016
Leisure statisfaction and acculturative stress: The case of Chinese-Canadian immigrants
GJ Walker, EA Halpenny, J Deng
Journal of Leisure Research 43 (2), 226-245, 2011
How the race to achieve Aichi Target 11 could jeopardize the effective conservation of biodiversity in Canada and beyond
CJ Lemieux, PA Gray, R Devillers, PA Wright, P Dearden, EA Halpenny, ...
Marine Policy 99, 312-323, 2019
“The end of the ice age?”: Disappearing world heritage and the climate change communication imperative
CJ Lemieux, M Groulx, E Halpenny, H Stager, J Dawson, EJ Stewart, ...
Environmental Communication 12 (5), 653-671, 2018
A prospective panel study of Chinese-Canadian immigrants’ leisure participation and leisure satisfaction
GJ Walker, E Halpenny, A Spiers, J Deng
Leisure Sciences 33 (5), 349-365, 2011
Protected area visitor fees: overview
K Lindberg, E Halpenny
Cooperative Research, 2001
Tourists' savoring of positive emotions and place attachment formation: a conceptual paper
N Yan, EA Halpenny
Affect and Emotion in Tourism, 212-232, 2023
Examining the relationship of place attachment with pro-environmental intentions
E Halpenny
Proceedings of the 2006 northeastern recreation research symposium, 63-66, 2006
A meta-study of qualitative research examining sport and recreation experiences of indigenous youth
TLF McHugh, CJ Deal, CJ Blye, AJ Dimler, EA Halpenny, A Sivak, NL Holt
Qualitative Health Research 29 (1), 42-54, 2019
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مقالات 1–20