Lodewijk Smets
Lodewijk Smets
World Bank; KU Leuven
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Food aid and household food security in a conflict situation: Empirical evidence from Northern Uganda
HA Tusiime, R Renard, L Smets
Food Policy 43, 14-22, 2013
Aid tying and donor fragmentation
S Knack, L Smets
World Development 44, 63-76, 2013
Putting your money where your mouth is: geographic targeting of World Bank projects to the bottom 40 percent
H Öhler, M Negre, L Smets, R Massari, Ž Bogetić
PLoS ONE 14 (6), 1-19, 2019
What determines the suspension of budget support?
N Molenaers, A Gagiano, L Smets, S Dellepiane
World development 75, 62-73, 2015
Political ideology, quality at entry and the success of economic reform programs
L Smets, S Knack, N Molenaers
The Review of International Organizations 8, 447-476, 2013
Economía creativa en América Latina y el Caribe: Mediciones y desafíos
LIR Oliva
Inter-American Development Bank, 2018
Nurturing institutions for a resilient Caribbean
D Beuermann, M Schwartz, JP Schmid, C Dippel, J Khadan, ...
Inter-American Development Bank, 2018
World Bank lending and the quality of economic policy
L Smets, S Knack
The Journal of Development Studies 52 (1), 72-91, 2016
Digital technologies for better justice: A toolkit for action
A Cordella, F Contini
Inter-American Development Bank, 2020
World Bank Policy Lending and the Quality of Public Sector Governance
L Smets, S Knack
Economic Development and Cultural Change 67 (1), 29-54, 2018
Aid tying and donor fragmentation
S Knack, L Smets
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2012
De prestaties van de Vlaamse sociale huisvestingsmaatschappijen meten en beoordelen
S Winters, G van Bortel, W Van Dooren, L Smets
Steunpunt Ruimte en Wonen; Leuven, 2010
Public Sector Economics and the Need for Reforms
A Philippopoulos
MIT Press, 2016
Supporting Policy Reform from the Outside
L Smets
The World Bank Research Observer 35 (1), 19-43, 2020
Public financial management, health financing and under-five mortality: a comparative empirical analysis
M Piatti-Fünfkirchen, L Smets
IDB Working Paper Series, 2019
Líderes para la gestión en seguridad ciudadana y justicia
K Villa-Mar, V Vélez-Grajales, B Cedillo, A Restrepo, P Munguía
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2020
Introducing a new data set: budget support suspensions as a sanctioning device: an overview from 1999 to 2014
N Molenaers, A Gagiano, L Smets
Governance 30 (1), 143-152, 2017
World Bank Lending and the Quality of Economic Policy
L Smets, S Knack
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2014
COVID-19: The Caribbean crisis: Results from an online socioeconomic survey
MA Garavito, D Beuermann, LG Álvarez, V Gauto, J Khadan, H Mooney, ...
Inter-American Development Bank, 2020
Association of World Bank policy lending with social development policies and institutions
Z Bogetic, L Smets
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2017
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مقالات 1–20