Eva-Maria Merz
Eva-Maria Merz
Senior Researcher Sanquin Research and Full Professor Vrije Universiteit
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Wellbeing of adult children and ageing parents: associations with intergenerational support and relationship quality
EM Merz, NS Consedine, HJ Schulze, C Schuengel
Ageing & Society 29, 783-802, 2009
Intergenerational family solidarity: value differences between immigrant groups and generations.
EM Merz, E Özeke-Kocabas, FJ Oort, C Schuengel
Journal of Family Psychology 23 (3), 291-300, 2009
The attitude toward voluntary childlessness in Europe: Cultural and institutional explanations
EM Merz, AC Liefbroer
Journal of Marriage and Family 74 (3), 587-600, 2012
Wellbeing depends on social relationship characteristics: comparing different types and providers of support to older adults
EM Merz, O Huxhold
Ageing & Society 30 (5), 843-857, 2010
The association of family support and wellbeing in later life depends on adult attachment style
EM Merz, NS Consedine
Attachment and Human Development 11 (2), 203-221, 2009
Intergenerational solidarity: An attachment perspective
EM Merz, C Schuengel, HJ Schulze
Journal of Aging Studies 21 (2), 175-186, 2007
Intergenerational relations across 4 years: Well-being is affected by quality, not by support exchange
EM Merz, C Schuengel, HJ Schulze
The Gerontologist 49, 536-548, 2009
The long reach of childhood. Childhood experiences influence close relationships and loneliness across life
EM Merz, S Jak
Advances in Life Course Research 18 (3), 212-222, 2013
Parents' partnership decision making after divorce or widowhood: The role of (step) children
J de Jong Gierveld, EM Merz
Journal of Marriage and Family 75 (5), 1098-1113, 2013
Individual, contextual and network characteristics of blood donors and non-donors: a systematic review of recent literature
TW Piersma, R Bekkers, EF Klinkenberg, WLAM De Kort, EM Merz
Blood transfusion 15 (5), 382, 2017
Lung function after the minimal invasive pectus excavatum repair (Nuss procedure)
DC Aronson, RP Bosgraaf, EM Merz, RP van Steenwijk, ...
World Journal of Surgery 31 (7), 1518-1522, 2007
Double standards: Differences in norms on voluntary childlessness for men and women
AJ Rijken, EM Merz
European Sociological Review 30, 470-482, 2014
Associations of health status with subsequent blood donor behavior—An alternative perspective on the Healthy Donor Effect from Donor InSight
K Van Den Hurk, S Zalpuri, FJ Prinsze, EM Merz, WLAM De Kort
PloS one 12 (10), e0186662, 2017
Childhood memories, family ties, sibling support and loneliness in ever-widowed older adults: quantitative and qualitative results
EM Merz, J De Jong Gierveld
Ageing and Society 36 (3), 534-561, 2016
Attachment, social network size, and patterns of social exchange in later life
KL Fiori, NS Consedine, EM Merz
Research on Aging 33, 465-493, 2011
Mothers' Mobility after Separation: Do Grandmothers Matter?
M Das, H Valk, EM Merz
Population, Space and Place, 2016
Consequences of filial support for two generations: A narrative and quantitative review
EM Merz, HJ Schulze, C Schuengel
Journal of Family Issues 31 (11), 1530-1554, 2010
Ethnic group moderates the association between attachment and well-being in later life.
EM Merz, NS Consedine
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 18 (4), 404-415, 2012
Do deferred donors continue their donations? A large‐scale register study on whole blood donor return in the Netherlands
MLC Spekman, TG van Tilburg, EM Merz
Transfusion 59 (12), 3657-3665, 2019
Donor InSight: characteristics and representativeness of a Dutch cohort study on blood and plasma donors
TC Timmer, R de Groot, K Habets, EM Merz, FJ Prinsze, F Atsma, ...
Vox sanguinis 114 (2), 117-128, 2019
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مقالات 1–20