Michel Gingras
Michel Gingras
Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Waterloo
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Spin ice state in frustrated magnetic pyrochlore materials
ST Bramwell, MJP Gingras
Science 294 (5546), 1495-1501, 2001
Magnetic pyrochlore oxides
JS Gardner, MJP Gingras, JE Greedan
Reviews of Modern Physics 82 (1), 53-107, 2010
Cooperative paramagnetism in the geometrically frustrated pyrochlore antiferromagnet Tb2Ti2O7
JS Gardner, SR Dunsiger, BD Gaulin, MJP Gingras, JE Greedan, RF Kiefl, ...
Physical review letters 82 (5), 1012, 1999
Dipolar interactions and origin of spin ice in Ising pyrochlore magnets
BC den Hertog, MJP Gingras
Physical review letters 84 (15), 3430, 2000
Quantum spin ice: a search for gapless quantum spin liquids in pyrochlore magnets
MJP Gingras, PA McClarty
Reports on Progress in Physics 77 (5), 056501, 2014
Spin correlations in Ho2Ti2O7: a dipolar spin ice system
ST Bramwell, MJ Harris, BC Den Hertog, MJP Gingras, JS Gardner, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (4), 047205, 2001
Long-range order at low temperatures in dipolar spin ice
RG Melko, BC den Hertog, MJP Gingras
Physical review letters 87 (6), 067203, 2001
Thermodynamic and single-ion properties of within the collective paramagnetic-spin liquid state of the frustrated pyrochlore antiferromagnet
MJP Gingras, BC Den Hertog, M Faucher, JS Gardner, SR Dunsiger, ...
Physical Review B 62 (10), 6496, 2000
Dynamically Induced Frustration as a Route to a Quantum Spin Ice State in Tb2Ti2O7 via Virtual Crystal Field Excitations and Quantum Many-Body Effects
HR Molavian, MJP Gingras, B Canals
Physical review letters 98 (15), 157204, 2007
Monte Carlo studies of the dipolar spin ice model
RG Melko, MJP Gingras
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (43), R1277, 2004
Static critical behavior of the spin-freezing transition in the geometrically frustrated pyrochlore antiferromagnet Y2Mo2O7
MJP Gingras, CV Stager, NP Raju, BD Gaulin, JE Greedan
Physical Review Letters 78 (5), 947-950, 1997
Transition to long-range magnetic order in the highly frustrated insulating pyrochlore antiferromagnet Gd2Ti2O7
NP Raju, M Dion, MJP Gingras, TE Mason, JE Greedan
Physical Review B 59 (22), 14489, 1999
Magnetic anisotropy of the spin-ice compound Dy2Ti2O7
H Fukazawa, RG Melko, R Higashinaka, Y Maeno, MJP Gingras
Physical Review B 65 (5), 054410, 2002
Frustrated quantum rare-earth pyrochlores
JG Rau, MJP Gingras
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 10 (1), 357-386, 2019
Topological defects in the random-field XY model and the pinned vortex lattice to vortex glass transition in type-II superconductors
MJP Gingras, DA Huse
Physical Review B 53 (22), 15193, 1996
Pressure-induced crystallization of a spin liquid
I Mirebeau, IN Goncharenko, P Cadavez-Peres, ST Bramwell, ...
Nature 420 (6911), 54-57, 2002
Spin Ice: A Test Case for Emergent Clusters in a Frustrated Magnet
T Yavors’ kii, T Fennell, MJP Gingras, ST Bramwell
Physical review letters 101 (3), 037204, 2008
Vindication of as a Model Exchange Quantum Spin Ice
R Applegate, NR Hayre, RRP Singh, T Lin, AGR Day, MJP Gingras
Physical review letters 109 (9), 097205, 2012
Muon spin relaxation investigation of the spin dynamics of geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets Y 2 Mo 2 O 7 and Tb 2 Mo 2 O 7
SR Dunsiger, RF Kiefl, KH Chow, BD Gaulin, MJP Gingras, JE Greedan, ...
Physical Review B 54 (13), 9019, 1996
Rods of Neutron Scattering Intensity in : Compelling Evidence <?format ?>for Significant Anisotropic Exchange in a Magnetic Pyrochlore Oxide
JD Thompson, PA McClarty, HM Rønnow, LP Regnault, A Sorge, ...
Physical Review Letters 106 (18), 187202, 2011
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مقالات 1–20